Pink tunic with popcorn

Pink tunic with popcorn

Pink tunic with popcornAge: 1-2 years;
Necessary materials:
4 skeins of pink Amore thread and 1 skein of brown color;
Andrele no. 3;
Crochet hook no. 2.5;
3 buttons.

Description of the work:
Fata: It is mounted on Andrea with pink thread 180 stitches and knit 21 cm elastic 1×1, after which, in the next row, 2 stitches will be knitted together on the front = 90 stitches.
5 cm jersey point will be knitted.

After, elastic 1 will be knitted×1 and the sleeve will be cut, decreasing from both sides in each 2nd row 4-3-2-1 stitches. It will be knitted straight until the detail is 36 cm long from the first row, after which 14 meshes in the center will be closed for the neckline. Then each part will be knitted separately in the following way: From the neckline will close 4-2-2 meshes. The remaining 20 stitches will be knitted straight up to 38 cm from the first row and then left on a helper andrea. The other side will knit symmetrically.

Spate: Join the andrea with pink thread 90 meshes + 8 meshes each for overlapping parts = 106 mesh. Knitting 21 cm elastic 1×1, after which in the next row will be knitted 2 stitches together face = 53 stitches.
5 cm jersey point will be knitted.Sketch pink tunic with popcorn

After, elastic 1 will be knitted×1 and the sleeve will be cut, decreasing from both sides in each 2nd row 4-3-2-1 stitches. In the next row, 3 meshes from the center will be closed;. Knitted straight on each side until the detail is 38 cm long from the first row, after which 10 meshes from the center will be closed (for each part) for cutting the neck, leaving on both sides of the neckline 20 shoulder stitches that will be left on a helping andrea.

On the second side, 3 lacers will be made, the first 5 cm from the 3 closed central meshes, the second 5 cm from the first and a 3 to 1,5 cm from the second.
Lacing will be done after 2 stitches from the center, knitting 2 stitches together front, 1 life.

Sleeve: Spread on andrea with pink thread 94 stitches and knit 6 cm, adding from both parts in each 2nd row 1 eye 3 times = 100 meshes.

After 6 cm from the first row will be subtracted from both sides in every 2nd row 4-3-2-1 mesh, Then subtract 1 eye from both sides until 20 stitches remain on Andrea. The 20 stitches in the next front row will close.

finishing: The shoulder meshes are joined by the method of the 3 andrels. The side seams are made, Sleeve seams.
For finishing the neckline, From the back side it is mounted on Andrea 86 meshes. Knitting 12 rows jersey point. The knitted detail bends towards the front and sews 'eye to eye' on the front of the work.

It is mounted on andrea 26 meshes and knitted with pink thread 94 cm elastic 1×1. The eyes close. On the middle of the waistband will be sewn the jacquard pattern presented in the scheme The knitted tape will be fixed on the jersey point portion (5 cm) and crochet with brown thread all around in the following way:

Row 1: *3 chain stitches, 1 crochet without jeteu*, repeat *-* after every 2 meshes.
Row 2: In the ark of 3 chain meshes will crochet 3 legs with jeteu, in the next ark 1 foot with jeteus, In the foot without jeteu – 3 feet with jeteu and in the next ark where a foot with jeteu was crocheted, 2 more feet with jeteu will be knitted.
This finish will also apply to the collar, sleeves, clasp. (see the picture).
Buttons are sewn.


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