knitted racket

Knitted racket for a child with personality

knitted racketsize:
Height: 30,5 cm
Width: 15 cm
Necessary materials:
30 g for white Berroco Ultra Alpaca (50% alpaca, 50% lana) – B;
20 g of blue Berroco Ultra Alpaca yarn (50% alpaca, 50% lana) – A;
10 g fir rosu Berroco Ultra Alpaca (50% alpaca, 50% lana) – R;
A set of andres no. 4.25;
Batting or anti-allergic silicone filling.

The density of the work: 26 stitches x 24 rows = 10×10 cm.

Description of the work:
Rocket: With thread B, it is mounted on Andrea 6 stitches. Ochiurile se impart pe 3 andrele si se va tricota circular dupa cum urmeaza:
Row 1: Se adauga cate 1 ochi fata din spatele si fata fiecarui ochi (fsf)= 12 ochiuri;
Row 2: All eyes face;
Row 3: 1 eye girl, (marker, fsf, fsf, marker, 2 front stitches)x2, marker, fsf, fsf, marker, 1 ochi fata= 18 ochiuri. Incepand cu acest rand, se vor tricota cate 2 ochiuri fata in interiorul markerelor.
Randul 4-5: All eyes face;
Row 6: 1 eye girl, (fsf, 2 front stitches)x5, fsf, 1 knit stitch = 24 stitches;
Randul 7-8: All eyes face;
Row 9: 1 eye girl, fsf, 4 front stitches, fsf, 2 front stitches, fsf, 4 front stitches, fsf, 2 front stitches , fsf, 4 front stitches, fsf, 1 ochi fata = 30 ochiuri;
Randul 10-11: All eyes face;
Row 12: 1 eye girl, fsf, 6 stitches face, fsf, 2 front stitches, fsf, 6 stitches face, fsf, 2 front stitches , fsf, 6 stitches face, fsf, 1 ochi fata = 36 ochiuri;
Se va tricota cu fir A.
Randul 13-14: All eyes face;
In randurile ce urmeaza se vor adauga cate 1 ochi inaintea si dupa fiecare set de markere in fiecare al 3-lea rand de 3 ori si in fiecare al 5-lea rand de 3 ori = 72 ochiuri.
Se va tricota cu fir B.
Randul 42-52: All eyes face;
Row 53: 1 eye girl, (2 stitches together face to the right, 18 stitches face, 2 stitches together face to the left, 2 front stitches)x2, 2 stitches together face to the right, 18 stitches face, 2 stitches together face to the left, 1 ochi fata = 66 ochiuri;
In randurile ce urmeaza se vor scadea in acet mod ochiuri inaintea si dupa fiecare set de markere in fiecare al 6-lea rand de 3 ori = 48 ochiuri.
Randul 71-80: All eyes face;
Se va tricota cu fir A.
Randul 81-83: All eyes face;
Se va tricota cu fir B.
Randul 84-89: All eyes face.
Detaliul tricotat se va umple cu vatelina.
Randul 90: 1 eye girl, (2 stitches together face to the right, 10 stitches face, 2 stitches together face to the left, 2 front stitches)x2, 2 stitches together face to the right, 10 stitches face, 2 stitches together face to the left, 1 ochi fata = 42 ochiuri;
Se vor continua scaderile in acest mod pana cand vor ramane 12 ochiuri.
In ultmul rand se vor tricoata cate 2 ochiuri impreuna fata. Firul de lucru se taie lasand un capat mai lung care se va trece prin cele 6 ochiuri ramase. Firul se strange si se trece in interiorul detaliului.
knitted racket
Propulsoarele (se vor tricota 3 bucati).
Cu fir rosu se monteaza pe andrea 6 ochiuri. Ochiurile se impart pe 3 andrele si se vor tricota circular.
Row 1: fsf x 6 = 12 ochiuri;
Row 2:(fsf, 1 eye girl) x 6 = 18 ochiuri;
Row 3:(fsf, 2 front stitches) x 6 = 24 stitches;
Row 4:(fsf, 3 stitches face) x 6 = 30 ochiuri;
Row 5:(fsf,4 front stitches) x 6 = 36 ochiuri;
Row 6: All eyes face, dupa care se va tricot cu fir B.
Row 7: All eyes face.
Row 8:(2 stitches together face to the right, 4 front stitches) x 6 = 30 ochiuri;
Row 9: All eyes face.
Row 10:(2 stitches together face to the right, 3 stitches face) x 6 = 24 stitches;
Row 11: All eyes face.
Row 12:(2 stitches together face to the right, 2 front stitches) x 6 = 18 ochiuri;
Row 13: All eyes face.
The remaining eyes close. Firul de lucru se taie lasand un capat de 4-5 cm. Propulsorul se umple cu vatelina.

Aripioarele (se vor tricota 3 bucati).
Cu fir A se monteaza pe andrea 6 ochiuri. Ochiurile se impart pe 3 andrele si se vor tricota circular.
Row 1: All eyes face.
Row 2: fsf, 4 front stitches, fsf = 8 ochiuri.
Randul 3-5: All eyes face.
Row 6: fsf, 6 stitches face, fsf = 10 ochiuri.
Randul 7-9: All eyes face.
Row 10: fsf, 8 stitches face, fsf = 12 ochiuri.
Randul 11-12: All eyes face.
Row 13: fsf, 10 stitches face, fsf = 14 ochiuri.
Randul 14-15: All eyes face.
Row 16: fsf, 12 stitches face, fsf = 16 ochiuri.
Row 17: All eyes face.
Row 18: fsf, 14 stitches face, fsf = 18 ochiuri.
Row 19: All eyes face.
Row 20: fsf, 16 stitches face, fsf = 20 ochiuri.
Row 21: fsf, 7 stitches face, 2 stitches together face to the left, 2 stitches together face to the right, 7 stitches face, fsf;
Row 22: fsf, 18 stitches face, fsf = 22 ochiuri.
Row 23: fsf, 20 stitches face, fsf = 24 ochiuri.
Row 24: fsf, 9 stitches face, 2 stitches together face to the left, 2 stitches together face to the right, 9 stitches face, fsf;
Randul 25-26: All eyes face.
Row 27: 10 stitches face, 2 stitches together face to the left, 2 stitches together face to the right, 10 ochiuri fata = 22 ochiuri;
Row 28-29: All eyes face.
Row 30: 9 stitches face, 2 stitches together face to the left, 2 stitches together face to the right, 9 ochiuri fata = 20 ochiuri;
Row 31: All eyes face.
Row 32: 8 stitches face, 2 stitches together face to the left, 2 stitches together face to the right, 8ochiuri fata = 18 ochiuri;
Row 33: All eyes face. Se umple cu vatelina ¾ din aripioara.
Row 34: 7 stitches face, 2 stitches together face to the left, 2 stitches together face to the right, 7 ochiuri fata = 16 ochiuri;
Row 35: All eyes face.
Row 36: 6 stitches face, 2 stitches together face to the left, 2 stitches together face to the right, 6 ochiuri fata = 14 ochiuri;
Row 37: 5 stitches face, 2 stitches together face to the left, 2 stitches together face to the right, 5 ochiuri fata = 12 ochiuri;
Row 38: 4 front stitches, 2 stitches together face to the left, 2 stitches together face to the right, 4 ochiuri fata = 10 ochiuri;
Row 39: 3 stitches face, 2 stitches together face to the left, 2 stitches together face to the right, 3 ochiuri fata = 8 ochiuri. Se umple cu vatelina toata aripioara;
Row 40: 2 front stitches, 2 stitches together face to the left, 2 stitches together face to the right, 2 ochiuri fata = 6 ochiuri.
Row 41: 1 eye girl, 2 stitches together face to the left, 2 stitches together face to the right, 1 ochi fata = 4 ochiuri.
Firul de lucru se taie lasand un capat de 4-5 cm. Capatul se trece prin ochiurile ramase. The thread tightens.

Cu fir rosu se monteaza pe andrea 8 ochiuri. Ochiurile se impart pe 2 andrele si se vor tricota circular.
Row 1: fsf, 2 front stitches, fsf x 2, 2 front stitches, fsf = 12 ochiuri;
Row 2: fsf, 4 front stitches, fsf x 2, 4 front stitches, fsf = 16 ochiuri;
Row 3: All eyes face.
Row 4: fsf, 6 stitches face, fsf x 2, 6 stitches face, fsf = 20 ochiuri;
Row 5: All eyes face.
Row 6: 2 stitches together to the right, 6 stitches face, 2 stitches together to the left, 2 stitches together to the right, 6 stitches face, 2 ochiuri impreuna spre stanga = 16 ochiuri;
Row 7: All eyes face.
Row 8: 2 stitches together to the right, 4 front stitches, 2 stitches together to the left, 2 stitches together to the right, 4 front stitches, 2 ochiuri impreuna spre stanga = 12 ochiuri;
Row 9: 2 stitches together to the right, 2 front stitches, 2 stitches together to the left, 2 stitches together to the right, 2 front stitches, 2 ochiuri impreuna spre stanga = 8 ochiuri;
Se umple capul cu vatelina, dupa care se va tricota cu fir B.
Se tricoteaza drept punct jerseu, 8 rows.

Se umple trupul cosmonautului cu vatelina, dupa care se vor tricota cate 2 ochiuri impreuna fata de 4 ori. The working thread is cut, leaving a longer end. The thread is passed through the remaining stitches and tightened. Capatul firului se ascunde in interiorul detaliului.
Pentru maini, se monteaza pe andrea 12 ochiuri si in randul urmator ochiurile se inchid. Se cos de corpul cosmonautului.
Pentru buzunaras: Cu fir rosu se va tricota un dreptunghi 7×5 cm. Laturile dreptunghiului se vor coase pe margini cu fir albastru (see the picture).

Buzunarasul alb: un dreptunghi alb 6×4. Se va tricota punct jerseu pana cand detaliul va fi egal cu dimensiunea corpului cosmonautului, dupa care se vor tricota punct jerseu primele si ultimele 3 ochiuri, iar ochiurile din centru se vor inchide. In randul urmator ochiurile inchise se monteaza din nou pe andrea si se tricoteaza pana la dimensiunile necesare. Laturile dreptunghiului se vor coase pe margini cu fir albastru.

Propulsoarele se vor coase de-a lungul liniilor de scadere a ochiurilor de pe partea de jos a corpului rachetei. Aripioarele se vor coase pe liniile de scadere/ adaugire a ochiurilor in asa fel incat racheta sa stea dreapta.
Dreptunghiul alb se coase peste cel rosu, apoi detaliul se va coase pe centru pe una din partile rectangulare a rachetei.
Dreptunghiul alb de pe casca rachetei se coase folosind cusatura cruciulita.
Cosmonautul se pune in interiorul buzunarasului si suntem … Gata de zbor!!!!


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