Knitted sweater for boys

Knitted sweater for boys

Knitted sweater for boysAge: 6 months/12 months/18 months;
Necessary materials:
150g/200g/200g for Phildar Cashmere Laine (80% lana, 20% cashemir, 164m/50g);
andre no. 3 and no. 3.5;
a helpful Andrea.

The model presented in diagram no. 1 is knitted on 18 stitches. Repeat rows 1-24.
The model shown in diagram no. 2 is knitted on 21 stitches. Repeat rows 1-12.
The beads will be knitted in the following way: 5 stitches are knitted from one stitch (behind and in front of the eye). The work is coming back, the 5 stitches are knit backside down. The work is coming back, the 5 stitches are knit together face.

Description of the work:
The sweater is knit as one detail, starting from the right sleeve.
It is mounted on anchors no. 3.5- 65/72/81 stitches. Knit 2/4/6 stitches elastic 1×1, starting with 1 back eye, 18 stitches model from scheme no.1, room with row 15/1/7, 2/4/6 elastic stitches 1×1, starting with 1 front eye, 21 stitches model from scheme no.2, room with row 5/1/7, 2/4/6 elastic stitches 1×1, starting with 1 back eye, 18 stitches model from scheme no.1, room with row 15/1/7, 2/4/6 elastic stitches 1×1, starting with 1 front eye.

At a distance of 18/21/23 cm from the first row, for the front and the back, mounts from both sides by 63/70/76 stitches. After that, it will be knitted in the following way: 1 edge stitch, 9 (last 9 stitches)/18/18 stitches after scheme no.1, 2/4/6 elastic stitches 1×1, starting with 1 front eye, 2/4/6 elastic stitches 1×1, starting with 1 front eye, 21 stitches model from scheme no.2, 9/5/9 elastic stitches 1×1, 21 stitches model from scheme no.2, after that will knit the sleeve stitches, then the stitches of the back part, reversing the position of the models ( will end with the first 9 stitches in scheme no.1).Knitted sweater sketch for the little boy

The model from the scheme no.1 and no.2 will knit on the sleeve further = 191/213/233 stitches.
At a distance of 26/30/32 cm from the first row, for cutting the neck, close 21 stitches from the center (stitches of the model in the scheme no.2 on the sleeve) and will continue separately knitting the back part and front part plus the remaining stitches on the sleeve.
After 9/10/11 cm knitted from the closing of those 21 stitches, on knitting needles no.3.5 pass the stitches of the front part, mount 21 stitches, add the stitches of the back slope = 191/213/233 stitches.
On the 21 stitches added will knit the model presented in scheme no.2.
Continue knitting on all stitches 8/9/9 cm, after that they close from both sides of the sleeve 63/70/76 stitches = 65/72/81 stitches.
Sleeve stitches are knit another 18 / 21 / 23 cm after that close.

finishing: The sleeve stitch and the side seams of the front and back are made.
With knitting needles no. 3 from the edge of the neckline is mounted on needle 96/102/108 stitches and knit 3 rows lazy point, after which the eyes close.
They can be finished with 3 rows lazy point and the bottom edges of the sleeves and of the back and front parts.


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