knitted gloves

Knitted gloves

knitted glovesNecessary materials:
100 g for gri (100% merino wool);
Andre no. 4.

Description of the work:
Cast on 52 stitches and knit circularly 40 cm elastic 2×2. In the last row of the elastic, add 2 stitches.
Next, it will be knitted according to the scheme.
knitted gloves pattern

The finger of the glove will be knitted, starting with row 10, like this: from both sides of the 2 central stitches of the small twist will be added:
In every 2nd row 1 stitch x 3;
In every 3rd row 1 stitch x 3;
In every 2nd row 1 stitch x 3.

When on andrea, for finger will be 18-20 stitches, they will pass on a helpful needle. Finger stitches begin and end with added stitches.
Will add another 2 stitches and will knit further after the scheme.
Conventional signs print knitted gloves
Then will knit circular stitches for finger + another 2 stitches.
Will knit jersey point to the desired length, minus 1 cm.

The last inch will knit:
Row 1: 1 eye girl, 2 stitches together front until the end of the row;
Row 2: 2 stitches together front until the end of the row.
The working thread is cut leaving a longer end. Pass the end of the wire through the remaining stitches and tighten. The thread is fixed on the back side of the work.


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