jacket for newborns openwork raglan lines

Jacket for newborns with openwork raglan lines

jacket-for-new-born-lines-raglan-openworkAge: 3 months:
Necessary materials:
110 g fir merinos Dream in Color Smooshy (110 g/411.5m);
andre circular no. 3.5;
stitch markers;
4 buttons.
The density of the work: 6 stitches x 9 rows = 2.5 cm.

Description of the work:
Back and front sides:
It is mounted on Andrea 131 stitches. Knit 11 rows in lazy stitch, after which it will be knitted in the following way:
Row 1: 5 stitches face, purl stitches until the last 5 stitches, 5 stitches face.
Row 2: 5 stitches face, knit the model of the scheme no.1 to the last 5 stitches, 5 stitches face.
Row 1 and 2 is repeated until the end of knitting the model in scheme no.1, after which it will be knitted in the following way:
Row 1: 5 stitches face, purl stitches until the last 5 stitches, 5 stitches face;
Row 2: 33 knit stitches, a marker is positioned, 65 front stitches, marker, 33 knit stitches.
Row 3: 5 stitches face, purl stitches until the last 5 stitches, 5 stitches face;
Row 4: knit stitches up to 3 stitches before the marker, 2 stitches together face to the left, 2 front stitches, 2 stitches together face) x2, stitches front to the end of the row
Rows 3 and 4 will knit the nap when the length of detail will be 11,5 cm (23-24 rows), the last row will be back row = 119 stitches.
Stitches are left on a helpful needle with all the markers.
Sleeve: Mount on needle 30 stitches. Knit 10 rows lazy point, and in the next row will add stitches as follows: 1 eye girl, add 1 eye (between 2 stitches), stitches front to penultimate eye, add 1 eye, 1 eye girl.
Knit 3 rows jersey point. The last 4 rows will be repeated 3 times.

After, will knit: 1 eye girl, add 1 eye, face eyes to the penultimate eye, add 1 eye, 1 front eye and follows another 5 rows jersey point.
The last 6 rows are repeated 3 times = 46 stitches.
It will knit in this way until the sleeve length will be 12 cm. It will end with a back row. Stitches are passed on a helpful needle andrea. Sleeve 2 will knit similarly.

Flirt: Stitches of the back and front parts are passed on the working needle andreaua.
Row 1:Knit knit stitches front up to the first 8 stitches before the marker, 2 stitches together face to the left, it is positioned 1 marker, 6 stitches face, take the marker, 7 front stitches from those of the right sleeve, the marker is positioned, 2 stitches together face, front stitch up to the penultimate 3 stitches of the sleeve, 2 stitches together face to the left, a marker is positioned, front eyes to the end of the sleeve, 1 knit stitch from the back stitches, 2 stitches together face, front stitch up to the first 3 stitches before the next marker, 2 stitches together face to the left, the marker is positioned, 1 eye girl, 1 front stitch from sleeve stitches 2, 2 stitches together face, knit stitches up to the last 9 stitches of the sleeve, 2 stitches together face to the left, the marker is positioned, front eyes to the end of the sleeve, 6 knit stitches from the left side front, the marker is positioned, 2 stitches together face, eyes front to the end of the row.
Row 2, row with quilts: 2 front stitches, life, 2 stitches together face, 1 eye girl, purl stitch up to the last 5 stitches, 5 stitches face.
Row 3: Knit stitches front up to the first 2 stitches before the marker, 2 stitches together face to the left, knit the model of the scheme no.2 with stitches between markers, 2 stitches together face, (front stitch up to penultimate 3 stitches before the marker,2 stitches together face to the left, 2 front stitches, 2 stitches together face)x2, front eyes up to the first 2 stitches before the next marker, 2 stitches together face to the left, knit the model of the scheme no.2 with stitches between markers, 2 stitches together face, eyes front to the end of the row.
Row 4: 5 stitches face, purl stitches until the last 5 stitches, 5 stitches face;

The last 2 rows are repeated until the needle will remain 83 stitches. In every 10th row will be made the row with quilts.
After, will knit 1 row with front eyes. In the next row will knit all the front stitches, subtracting at equal distances 6 stitches.
The last 2 rows are repeated 4 times = 53 stitches, after which the eyes close.
Buttons are sewn.


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