pink kitty scarf

Kitten scarf

gray kitten knitted scarfNecessary materials:
200 g fir alb si gri Super Excellence Magic (41% lana, 51% acrylic);
Andrele no. 4;
Synthetic vateline:

Description of the work:
The body of the cat:
Cast on 50 stitches and knit 80 cm jersey stitch as follows: 4 rows with gray thread and 2 rows with white thread.
After, another 20 cm will be knitted with gray yarn.
Swan: Cast on 25 stitches and knit 10 cm jersey stitch, alternating the color of the thread and 5 cm with white thread. 4 details are knitted.

stem: Mount on needle 15 stitches and knit jersey point a detail of 20-25 cm: 15 cm with gray thread, 5 cm: 2 white rows, 2 rows gray and 5 cm with white thread.

Head: Mount on needle 40 stitches and knit with gray thread 40 rows, after which the eyes close.
The square will be filled with synthetic vatelin, and with a needle with gray thread will pass through the edges of the square. The thread will slowly stagnate (not to the end), giving a round shape to the head. The head will sew to the cat's body, on the detail knitted with gray thread.

Muzzle: Mount on needle 25 stitches and knit 8-10 cm jersey point. The detail will be filled with synthetic vatelin, and with a needle with gray thread it will pass through the edges of the rectangle. The thread will slowly stagnate, restoring an oval shape to the botic, after which the edges of the botic will sew. With thread of black color sew on the muzzle with the mouth, then the muzzle will sew to the cat's head (see the picture).

Earwigs: Knit 2 gray and two white in color in the following way: Mount on needle 12 stitches for gray ears and 10 stitches for white ears and knit jersey point In every 2nd row (front row), after the first and before the last stitch will knit by 2 stitches together front.
Place the ears on top of each other (with knit parts outside) and sew on the edges or fix with the help of crochet.
pink kitty knitted scarf
Crochet with black thread nose. The eyes can also crochet: 4 circles – 2 of white color largercele and 2 of smaller black color. Or you can sew buttons or eye-shaped applications.

Eventually you can knit and 2 Spanchens: 10 stitches knitted with gray thread 4 rows. Eyebrows will sew above the eyes.

Swan will sew on the edges. The knitted detail with white thread will be lined with vatelin and will tighten on top with a gray thread. With black thread se sew gherutele.

Every detail will sew where it belongs.
The kitten is ready. And not to be sad attach and a picture of his girlfriend. The kitten's head was knitted with short rows, otherwise the same technique.


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