apricot flower hat

Apricot flower hat

crochet hatAge: 3 years;
Necessary materials:
50 g Bella cyclamen color thread (100% cotton, 180m/50g);
A few grams of brown thread, light pink
crochet no. 2.25 and no. 2;
needle with yellow thread.

Description of the work:
Crochet a chain of 5 stitches and close it in a circle. In line 1: 3 chain stitches for lifting and 11 legs with jeteu crocheted in a circle.

Next, the tip of the hat will be crocheted according to scheme no. 1.apricot flower hat scheme
In rows 12-25, crochet without adding stitches, and in rows 26 and 27 an elastic will be crocheted according to scheme no.2.
The edge of the hat will be finished with the 'crayfish steps' pattern.

The flowers will be crocheted with crochet no.2 and light pink thread according to scheme no.3.

The twig will be crocheted with brown thread, according to the drawing. Crochet a chain with no mesh required, and in row no.2 will be crocheted half-legs without jet.

finishing: The twig and flowers will be sewn on the hat (see the picture). In the center of each flower will be sewn 6-7 stamens.