Beautiful elegant bolero

Elegant and beautiful bolero

Elegant and beautiful boleroAge:4 years;
Necessary materials:
150 g fir Knit Picks Gloss DK (70% merino, 30% silk, 125m/50g);
Andrele no. 4 and no. 5;
2 buttons with a diameter of 1.9 cm;
8 highlight.
The density of the work: 20 stitches x 24 rows = 10×10 cm.

Explanations knitted:
The bolero will be knitted from top to bottom.
It is mounted on needles no. 5 -91 stitches. Knit 3 rows of lazy stitch (the last row being on the back side), after which the stitches are divided as follows: 18 stitches front side, marker, 2 front stitches, marker, 13 sleeve stitches, marker, 2 front stitches, marker, 31 back stitches, marker, 2 front stitches, marker, 13 sleeve stitches, marker, 2 front stitches, marker, 18 stitches front side.
The 18 stitches on the left front side will knit in the following way: 1 edge stitch, 2 front stitches, 11 stitches, the model from scheme no.1, 4 front stitches.

The 18 stitches on the right front side will knit as follows: 4 front stitches, 11 stitches, the model from scheme no.1, 2 front stitches, 1 edge stitch.
Added stitches will be gradually added to the 5 knit stitches and will knit jersey point.
Until finishing the bolero's model in scheme no.1 will knit in the following way: 5 x (rows 1-8), then rows1-5 = 45 rows.
Stitches sleeves and back part will knit jersey point.
Row 1:1 edge stitch, 17 stitches front side, 1 life, 2 front stitches, 1 life, 13 knit stitches, 1 life, 2 front stitches, 1 life, 31 knit stitches, 1 life, 2 front stitches, 1 life, 13 knit stitches, 1 life, 2 front stitches, 1 life, 17 stitches front side, 1 edge stitch.

Row 2,4: All purl stitches.

Elegant and beautiful bolero model
Elegant and beautiful bolero model

Row 3: 1 edge stitch, 18 stitches front side, 1 life, 2 front stitches, 1 life, 15 knit stitches, 1 life, 2 front stitches, 1 life, 33 knit stitches, 1 life, 2 front stitches, 1 life, 15 knit stitches, 1 life, 2 front stitches, 1 life, 18 stitches front side, 1 edge stitch.
Row 5: 1 edge stitch, 19 knit stitches, 1 life, 2 front stitches, 1 life, 17 stitches face, 1 life, 2 front stitches, 1 life, 35 knit stitches, 1 life, 2 front stitches, 1 life, 17 stitches face, 1 life, 2 front stitches, 1 life, 19 knit stitches, 1 edge stitch.
Continue adding stitches in this manner until on needle we will have 181 stitches.

In continue, will remain on needle the first 29 stitches (the front side), the next 35 stitches (Sleeve)pass on a helpful needle andrea, 53 stitches (the back side), the next 35 stitches (Sleeve)pass on a helpful needle andrea, 29 stitches (the front side).
In total on needle we will have 111 stitches, which represents the stitches of the front and back parts. These stitches will be knit further as a single detail 24 rows. After which with the andrels no. 4, knit 3 rows lazy point. In the following row of each 3rd eye is added 1 eye. Knit 5 rows jersey point and 3 rows lazy point, then the stitches are closed.
Pass on knitting needles no.5 those 30 stitches of the first sleeve. They will knit circular, jersey point another 24-26 rows. ). After that, with knitting needles no.4, knit 3 rows lazy point. In the following row of each 3rd eye is added 1 eye. Knit 5 rows jersey point and 3 rows lazy point, then the stitches are closed.

Similarly, it is done with the sleeve stitches 2.
From the side edge of the left front side is mounted on the needle stitches and knit 3 rows lazy point. In row 2 will be made 2 locks, the first located 1 cm below the top edge, the second 3 cm away from the first.
The same is finished and the edge of the right front side, with the exception of the cheoters.
Buttons are sewn.


3 thoughts on “Elegant and beautiful bolero

  1. For Mrs. Dida Enescu:
    Markers are used to delimit the raglan line. In the following front rows will be added stitches before and after the marker.

  2. good evening,

    come back to this model for a clarification: say that it initially mounts 91 stitches and when distributed for the face, sleeves, ,back and the tiebreaker results 101 stitches; where we add those 10 stitches?

    thanks ,

  3. Good evening!
    On needle is cast 101 stitches. I have reviewed once again the article and the other calculations are correct.
    Thank you for drawing my attention to the error.

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