slippers with three flowers

Slippers with three flowers

papucei cu trei floriNecessary materials:

– 100 g for rose (50% lana, 50% acrylic, 120 m/100 g);
– 100 g for gri;
– 100 g of jute thread needed for sole strength and sole massage;
– crochet no. 2.5 and no. 4;

Description of the work:

  1. 1.With crochet no. 4 and red thread together with jute thread crochet a chain of 23 stitches. Around the chain, legs will be crocheted according to scheme no. 1. To round the ends, 6 legs will be added from both sides. In row 3 from the top of the slippers, crochet the legs with jet, of the mole – legs without a jet. The additions of meshes will be made according to scheme no.1. At the end of the row, the working thread is cut (vz. Picture 1).
  2. papucei cu trei flori 2papucei cu trei flori 3

  3. 2.Continue the work with red thread, the thread in two. Leave 5-6 cm free from the sole and knit row 4 of scheme 1 in the direction of the sole (picture 2). The sole of the slippers will be crocheted "eye to eye" until the end. row.
  4. 3.With gray thread, the thread in two, crochet row 5 according to scheme no.2 (Picture3). The sole will be crocheted with gray thread, and at the top, decreases will be made according to scheme no. 2. The row will be crocheted to the end (Picture4).
  5. 4.Row 6 will be crocheted with red thread, the thread in two. The subtractions from the top of the slippers will be made according to scheme no.2 (picture 5).
  6. 5.In row 7 of the scheme no.2 will be achieved the decreases from the sole (picture 6) and from the top (photo7).
  7. 6.The last row will crochet with red thread, thread in two with crochet stitches without jeteu, subtracting 3 feet to the sole and one of the top. The working thread is cut and hidden (picture 8). Papucel is ready!
  8. 7. With crochet no. 2.5 Crochet the details for flowers are crocheted. The middle of the flower will crochet from a chain of 4 stitches crocheted around with crochet stitches without jeteu. The gray flower will crochet according to the scheme no.4 and 2 red flowers according to the scheme no.3 (picture 9 and 10).
  9. 8.Fix the pistilles of flowers on booties, hiding the ends of the wires on the back side of the work (photo11). The flowers are passed through the pestle and are fixed by papucel with gray or red sewing floss as the case may be (picture 12).

Papucelul 2 will crochet similarly.schema papucei cu trei flori


6 thoughts on “Slippers with three flowers

  1. Hello, Are Awesome Patterns!
    puteti sa-mi explicati ce inseamnabifela palariuta gradina cu flori?
    nu prea inteleg

  2. Sehr schöne Hausschuhe,
    Leider ist die Beschreibung sehr schlecht ! Schade !!

  3. Sie haben recht, das problem ist, dass die Übersetzung wird automatisch durch Google oder Bing getan, aber keiner übersetzen sehr gut.
    Kann manuell übersetzt werden, aber leider bin ich nicht vertraut mit der deutschen 🙁

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