hat and scarf in colored stripes

Hat and scarf in colored stripes

caciulita si fular in dungi colorateNecessary materials:
100 g each of blue thread - dark, green and pink Mondial Alpaca (55% alpaca, 45% merino wool, 50m/50 g);
andre no. 4.

The density of the work:
17 stitches x 22 rows = 10 x 10 cm.

Description of the work:
comforter: For dark blue stripes, green and pink are mounted on Andrea 260 stitches, knit 7 cm jersey stitch, after which the eyes close. Knit 3 stripes that will then be woven into the tail. The stripes will be sewn together at a distance of 15 cm.

It is made by 2 blue motts- Closed, Green, pink with a diameter of 6 cm and sew at the ends of knitted stripes (see the picture).schema caciulita si fular in dungi colorate

headpiece: With dark blue thread is mounted on needle 72 stitches and knit for headband 14 rows = 4 cm lazy point. After, will knit jersey point. The first 24 stitches will knit with blue thread- Closed, 24 pink, 24 green.
After 9 cm knitted from the headband will decrease 9 stitches in the following way: * 1 front eye, Andrea is taken as an eye for an eye, 1 face eye that will pass over the eye taken on andrea, 18 stitches face, 2 stitches together face, 1 eye girl, repeat from *.

The decreases will be repeated in every 2nd row 3 times, after that will decrease in every 2nd row 2 x 12 stitches in the following way: * 1 front eye, Andrea is taken as an eye for an eye, 2 stitches together face, the reuzltat eye will pass over the eye taken on andrea, 18 stitches face, 3 stitches together front, 1 eye girl, repeat from *.

After 14 cm knitted from the headband, the working thread is cut and passes the end through the remaining stitches. The thread is tightened and fixed to the back side of the caciulitei.

It is realzzeaza cusatura caciulitei.

For dark blue stripes, green and pink is mounted on needle 5 stitches and knit 15 cm jersey point, after which the eyes close. Knit 3 stripes. The stripes are intertwined in a more compact tail. One end of the tail will be fixed at the top of the caciulitei.
It is made 1 mot with a diameter of 5 cm and will be sewn at the end of each stripe (see the picture).


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