Simple and delicate bolero
size: 86 cm;
Necessary materials:
– 100 g for bej (25% polyacryl, 10% cashemir, 30% viscose, 35% merino, 1800 m);
– andre no. 3;
– Andre circular no. 3.5;
– 1 button.
The density of the work: 22 stitches x 42 rows = 10 x 10 cm.
The openwork model:
Row 1 (the front side): 1 edge stitch, *2 front stitches, 2 stitches together face, 1 life, 8 front stitches*, 2 front stitches, 2 stitches together face, 1 life,3 stitches face, 1 edge stitch.
Row 2 and all even rows: purl all stitches;
Row 3: 1 edge stitch, *1 front eye, 2 stitches together face, 1 life, 2 stitches together face,1 life, 7 front stitches*, 1 eye girl, 2 stitches together face, 1 life,2 stitches together face, 1 life, 2 front stitches, 1 edge stitch.
Row 5: like row 1;
Row 7: all eyes face;
Row 9: 1 edge stitch, *8 knit stitches, 2 stitches together face, 1 life, 2 front stitches, *, 7 stitches face, 1 edge stitch.
Row 11: 1 edge stitch, *7 knit stitches, 2 stitches together face, 1 life, 2 stitches together face, 1 life,1 eye girl, *, 7 stitches face, 1 edge stitch.
Row 13: like row 9;
Row 15: like row 7;
Repeat rows 1-16.
Description of the work:
Back and front sides:
Mount 87 stitches on knitting needles no.3.5 and knit the hemstitch pattern, adding in every 2nd row from both sides 3 stitches, 2 stitches and 6 x 1 stitch = 111 stitches.
After 20 knitted rows, the stitches are divided as follows: how many 27 stitches for the front parts and 57 stitches for the back side. Each detail will be knit separately.
Front left side:
For neckline sleeve will decrease every 2nd row from the left side 3 stitches, 2x 1yeye. Simultaneously from the right side will add 2 x 1 eyes in every 4th row.
After 6.5 cm from the neckline sleeve will decrease for neckline by 1 eye in each row until on the needle will remain 12 stitches.
After 13.5 cm from the neckline sleeve all stitches are closed. The right front side will be knitted symmetrically with the left side.
Spate: The decreases of stitches for the neckline sleeves will be made similar to those on the front sides.
After 10.5 cm from the neckline sleeve will close 13 stitches from the center, and from each side of the neckline (knit as separate details) will close every 2nd row 3 stitches, 2x 1yeye.
After 13.5 cm from the neckline sleeve those 12 stitches left for each shoulder are closed.
Sleeve: Mount 95 stitches on knitting needles no.3.5 and knit 4 rows lazy point. Further close from both sides by 30 stitches (these will be the laces).
The remaining 35 stitches are knit as follows: 3 stitches lazy point, 29 stitches in jersey, knitting from each stitch 2 stitches, 3 stitches lazy point = 64 stitches.
After 10 rows from the beginning of additions is knit as follows: 3 stitches lazy point, 26 stitches face, close 6 stitches, 26 stitches face, 3 stitches lazy point.
The closed stitches in the center of the row represent the beginning of the neckline sleeve.
Next the detail is closed in a circle and knits jersey point.
The neckline of the sleeve closes on both sides in every 2nd row 2 x 1 stitch. After, knit 13 straight rows after which will decrease from both sides by 1 stitch, after 4 rows it decreases and 1 eye from both sides. After, every 2nd row from both sides will decrease 2 stitches,3 stitches,4 stitches, 5 stitches. All stitches are closed.
finishing: The shoulder seam is made. The sleeves are sewn, making at equal distances 4 folds on each sleeve.
From the bottom edge of the bolero and the front parts, on the back side is mounted on the knitting needles nr. 3 stitches and knit 4 rows jersey point, after it will knit 1 row hemstitch: 2 stitches together face, 1 jeteu until the end of the row. Will knit another 5 rows jersey point after that 2 rows jersey point with thread contrasting color. Knitted tape bends after the hemstitch row and sew accurately on the front side. Rows with contrasting thread are removed.
The finishing of the neckline will be done the same, only they will knit 2 rows jersey point, 1 rand junk, 3 rows of jersey stitch.
Make a lacing and sew the button (see the picture). The laces from the sleeves bind like a bow.
Finishing is the coolest. If I would come out like here, I would finish so all the things. I'll try again until I get out so to you.
I'm not very experienced and that's why I ask you to explain to me how to do that multiplication every second row… and apologies for bothering
The first 3 stitches that are added are simply mounted on andrea, as well as the following 2, then add 1 eye- after or before the edge stitch between 2 stitches of the previous row.
To this, nor is it I'm not experienced, please enlighten me with this multiplication,
in turn 2 agaug 3 stitches, following that in row 4 to add 2 and row 6 to add 1 eye?
Those additions are made on the side edges and give the edges a round shape. Stitches are mounted on needle andrea.
Montezi 3 stitches on needle, knit the others and at the end of the row add and 3 stitches. In the back row, knit them as purl stitches.
The following additions are made the same in the other rows.
Added stitches include them in knitting the hemstitch pattern.
Is this pattern available in English? I do not understand all the terms used in the instructions.