Bolero with openwork finish
Age: 12-18 months;
Necessary materials:
100 g of white yarn Mondial Cometa (100% mercerized cotton, 50g/125m);
Andre no. 2.25 and no. 3.
The density of the work:
28 stitches x 36 rows = 10×10 cm with needles no. 3.
Description of the work:
The back side: It is mounted on needles no. 3 - 64 stitches and knitted in jersey.
After 17 cm knitted from the first row, the sleeve will be cut. 1 x 5 stitches will be closed on both sides and 5 x 1 stitches will be decreased in every 2nd row = 44 stitches. The decrease of stitches will be done in the following way: 1 edge stitch will be knitted, 1 eye girl, 2 stitches together face, toate ochiurile punct jerseu cu exceptia ultimelor 4 ochiuri care se vor tricota: 1 eye is on Andrea, 1 eye girl, the stitch from Andrea is passed over the one knitted in front, 1 eye girl, 1 edge stitch.
In continue, it will be knitted straight.
Dupa 10 cm de la inc rascroielii manecii se vor inchide 24 ochiuri din centru pentru rascroiala gatului si fiecare parte se va tricota separat.
After 29 cm knitted from the first row, the remaining 10 stitches for each shoulder will be closed.
= Ochi fata
= 2 ochiuri impreuna fata
O = Jeteu
Front left side:
It is mounted on needles no. 3 - 22 stitches and the openwork pattern presented in the scheme is knitted. To round the inner edges, 1 stitch will be added in every 2nd row as follows: 1 edge stitch, openwork pattern until the last 2 stitches, add 1 cross stitch between two stitches of the previous row, 1 eye girl, 1 edge stitch. 10 stitches will be added in this way = 32 stitches, after which it will be knitted straight.
After 17 cm knitted from the first row, the sleeve will be cut. Se vor inchide de la inceputul randului 1 x 5 ochiuri si in fiecare al 2-lea rand se vor scadea 5 x 1 ochi = 44 ochiuri. The decrease of stitches will be done in the following way: 1 edge stitch will be knitted, 1 eye girl, 2 stitches together face, all openwork pattern stitches until the end of the row, 1 edge stitch.
In continue, it will be knitted straight.
After 5 cm from the beginning of the sleeves, 7 stitches will be closed from the inner edge of the detail, after which in every 2nd row 5 x1 stitches will be decreased as follows:1 edge stitch, all openwork pattern stitches with the exception of the last 4 - 2 stitches together front, 1 eye girl, 1 edge stitch.
After 29 cm knitted from the first row, the remaining 10 stitches for the shoulder will be closed.
The right front side will be knitted symmetrically with the left side.
Se monteaza pe andrelele nr.3 – 40 ochiuri si se tricoteaza punct jerseu 1 cm, dupa care se va dubla numarul de ochiuri in rand in felul urmator: 1 edge stitch, * 1 front stitch will be knitted from the front half of the stitch, without leaving the stitch on the left needle, knit 1 stitch from the back of the stitch, repeat from *, 1 edge stitch = 78 stitches.
Jersey point will be knitted, decreasing in every 2nd row 1 stitch from both sides as follows: 1 edge stitch, 1 eye girl, 2 stitches together face, stockinette stitch all stitches up to the last 4 stitches that will be knitted in the following way: it takes Andrea 1 eye, 1 eye girl, the stitch from Andrea is passed over the one knitted in front, 1 eye girl, 1 edge stitch.
12 reductions will be made in this way, after which the remaining stitches of the sleeve will be closed.
Se vor realiza cusaturile laterale si a umerilor.
Cu andrelele nr.2.25 se vor tricota marginile boleroului in felul urmator:
Rnd 1: se monteaza pe andrea ochiuri de pe marginile detaliilor si se tricoteaza fata:
Rnd 2, 6: all stitches are knit backside;
Rnd 3, 5, 7: all the stitches are knitted in the front;
Rnd 4: *2 stitches together front, 1 life, repeat from *;
Dupa randul 7 toate ochiurile se inchid ca ochiuri fata.
So that the sleeves are puffy, the stitches of the upper edge of the sleeve are passed on a thread that tightens slightly.
Se realizeaza cusatura manecilor.