Bereta Green by Melissa Labarry Fata

Green Beret by Melissa Labarry

bereta verde by melissa labarry (fata)bereta verde by melissa labarry (spate)Cranial circumference: 45.5-56 cm;

Necessary materials:

– 100 g for verde (70% merino, 30% silk, 135m/ 50g);
– Andrele no. 3.5 or no. 4 and a set of Andrele no. 4.5;
– Ac.

Description of the work:

It is mounted on anchors no. 3.5 or no. 4- 100 stitches and semi-elastic point is knitted 12 rows.

Stitches will be added in the next row: *1 front eye, add 1 front stitch from the front side of the following stitch and 1 front stitch from the back side of the following stitch*. Repeat *-* until the end of the row = 150 stitches.schema bereta verde by melissa labarry

After it will knit with knitting needles no.4.5 model presented in scheme no.1 of 2 times.

In the following row will knit with knitting needles no.3.5 or no. 4 after scheme no. 2= 20 stitches.

Then, will knit how many 2 stitches together front 1 row = 10 stitches, and another 1 row similarly to the last = 5 stitches.

The working thread is cut by leaving an end of 20.5 cm long. With the help of the needle, the working thread is passed through the remaining stitches. The thread is tightened and passed on the back side, after which the edge stitch is made.

The beret is washed or drizzled with water and dressed on a plate, leaving to dry.


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