bereta orange by Natalie Larson

Bereta orange by Natalie Larson

Bereta orange by Natalie LarsonCranial circumference: 45.5-56 cm;

Necessary materials:

– 100 g for orange (100% merino, 192 m/ 100 g);
– Andrele no. 5 and a set of Andrele no. 5.5;
– Ac and a helpful Andrea.

Description of the work:

Row 1: It is mounted on the andrels no. 5- 81 stitches and an elastic band is knitted in a circle 2×1-8 rows, marking the place where I joined the rows with a thread of contrasting color.


Row 1: In the next row, knit 18 purl stitches after the marker, 12 stitches pattern from the scheme (rnd2), 51 purl stitches up to the mark.

Row 2: Add stitches in the following way: (1 back eye, add 1 purl eye from the front of the eye that follows and 1 back eye from the back side of the eye that follows) x 9 after marking, 12 stitches pattern from the scheme, 1 back eye, * add 1 back eye from the front of the eye that follows and 1 back eye from the back side of the eye that follows, 1boe back to the end of the row = 115 stitches.

Row 3-35: Stitches after marking is knit backside, 12 stitches pattern from the scheme, then back all stitches until the end of the row. Rows 1-20 of the scheme is knit once, then once again rows 1-15.

Top of the beret:
Schema bereta orange by Natalie Larson
Row 1: It knits back stitches after marking, 12 stitches according to the scheme( rnd 16), *17 purl stitches, 2 stitches together back*, repeat *-* until the end of the row = 111 stitches.

Row 2: Knit back stitches after, 12 stitches according to the scheme (rnd 17), back all stitches to the end of the row.

Row 3: (7 purl stitches, 2 stitches purl together) x 3, 12 stitches rnd 18 model, *7 purl stitches, 2 stitches together back*, *-* until the end of the row = 100 stitches.

Row 4: purl all stitches, except for the 12 that will knit according to rnd 19 of the model.

Row 5: (6 purl stitches, 2 stitches purl together) x 3, 12 stitches rnd 20 model, *6 purl stitches, 2 stitches together back*, *-* until the end of the row = 89 stitches.

Row 6: (5 purl stitches, 2 stitches purl together) x 3, (1 eye girl, 2 stitches together front from the back side) x 4, *5 purl stitches, 2 stitches together back*, *-* until the end of the row = 74 stitches.

Row 7: (4 purl stitches, 2 stitches purl together) x 3, 8 stitches face, *4 purl stitches, 2 stitches together back*, *-* until the end of the row = 63 stitches.

Row 8: (Purl 3 stitches, 2 stitches purl together) x 3, 2 stitches together front from the back side x 4, *3 purl stitches, 2 stitches together back*, *-* until the end of the row = 48 stitches.

Row 9: (2 purl stitches, 2 stitches purl together) x 3, 2 knit stitches are left on a helpful needle in front of the work, 2 knit stitches then will knit the front stitches on the helpful needle andreaua, *2 purl stitches, 2 stitches together back*, *-* until the end of the row = 37 stitches.

Row 10: (1 back eye, 2 stitches purl together) x 3, 2 stitches together front from the back side x 2, *1 ochi two, 2 stitches together back*, *-* until the end of the row = 24 stitches.

Row 11: 2 stitches together back x 3, 2 stitches together front from the back side ,* 2 stitches together purl until the end of the row = 12 stitches.

Row 12: 2 stitches together purl until the end of the row = 6 stitches.

The working thread is cut by leaving one end of 21 cm long. With the help of the needle, the working thread is passed through the remaining stitches. The thread is tightened and fixed on the back side of the work.

The beret will dry dressed on a fafuriuta.


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