dressed in a simple collar

Dressed with a hood

Vestuta cu glugaSize: 0-Nine months, 1an, 1 year and 6 months, 2 years;
– 150/150/200/200 g float (250 m/100g) dark blue;
– 50 g wool of each color;
– 5 buttons;
– Andre no. 3.5 and no. 4.
Work density: 22 stitches x 30 rows = 10 x 10cm;
The 'Checkerboard' model: It is knitted with a number of stitches that is divisible by 4.
Row 1: * 2 stitches together front, 2 purl stitches*, it's repeating *-*;
Row 2: add 1 eye (between 2 stitches) instead of the low is knit according to the picture;
Row 3: *2 purl stitches, 2 front stitches*, it's repeating *-*;
Row4 : knit according to the picture.

Description of the work:
Spate: Mount on knitting needles no.4 66/70/74/78 stitches and knit the model 'Chess board', starting and ending each row with 2 knit stitches. At a distance of 18/19/20/21 cm from the beginning of the work, for cutting the sleeves, from both sides every 2nd row are subtracted : 2 x2 stitches and 1x 1 stitch (remain 56/60/64/68 stitches). After 29/31/33/35 cm from the beginning of the work for the hangers, every 2nd row they close: 1x 7 stitches and 1x 8 stitches/ 2x 8 stitches/1x 8 stitches and 1x 9 stitches/ 2x 9 stitches. Concomitant, for neckline is closed 26/28/30/32 stitches in the middle and each side will be knit separately.

Front right side: Mount on knitting needles no.4 32/34/36/38 stitches and knit the model 'Chess board', starting 2 purl stitches / 2 purl stitches / 2 knit stitches / 2 knit stitches. At a distance of 18/19/20/21 cm from the beginning of the work, for cutting the sleeves, from the left in every 2nd row are subtracted : 2 x2 stitches and 1x 1 stitch (raman 27/29/31/33 stitches). After 26/27/29/31 cm from the beginning of the work, for neckline on the right close in every 2nd row: 1x 4oyeye, 1×3 stitches, 2×2 stitches and 1×1 stitch/1x 4oyeuri, 1×3 stitches, 2×2 stitches and 2×1 stitch/1x 4oyeuri, 1×3 stitches, 3×2 stitches and 1×1 stitch/1x 4oyeuri, 2×3 stitches, 2×2 stitches and 1×1 stitches. After 29/31/33/35 cm from the beginning of the work, for the right shoulder they close from the left in every 2nd row: 1×7 stitches and 1×8 stitches/2×8 stitches/1×8 stitches and 1×9 stitches/2×9 stitches.

Front left side: It knits symmetrically with the right one.
Sleeve: Mount on knitting needles no.3.5 42/44/46/48 stitches with blue thread and knit 2 cm 1 knit stitch, 1 back eye. Continue knitting stripes (the colors of the stripes change every 4th row) with andrels no. 4 through the jersey point. Add from both sides: every 10th rnd 4x 1 eye / in every 8th row 6 x 1 stitch / in every 8th rnd 7x 1 eye / in every 6th rnd 3x 1 eye and in fieacre the 8th rnd 5×1 eye. The total number of stitches is 50/56/60/64. Next is knit the model 'Chess board' with dark blue thread. At a distance of 15.5/18/20/21 cm from the beginning of the work, in every 2nd rnd from each side close: 1 x5 stitches, 2 x4 stitches, 1 x3 stitches/ 1 x6 stitches, 2 x5 stitches, 1 x3 stitches/ 2 x6 stitches, 1 x5 stitches, 1 x4 stitches/ 3 x 6 stitches and 1 x5 stitches. The remaining 18 stitches are closed. Manecca the second is knit similar to the first.

Pockets: Mount on needle 25 stitches and knit jersey point in stripes alternating the color of thread after every 4th rnd. After 20 knitted rows, will knit a headband 1 knit stitch, 1 purl stitch of 2 cm long with blue thread and knitting needles no.3.5, starting and ending each row with 2 knit stitches. Pocket two is knit similarly.

Hood: Mount on knitting needles no.3.5 c thread of blue color 89/95/99/103 stitches and knit a headband of length 2 cm: 1 eye girl, 1 back eye, starting and ending each row with 2 knit stitches. Continue knitting the model "Chess board" with dark blue thread and knitting needles no.4, first of all adding 1 eye: 90/96/100/104 stitches. After 15/1/17/18 cm from the beginning of the work, in every 2nd row from both sides close: 4 x 6 stitches and 1 x 7 stitches/ 1x 6 stitches and 4 x 7 stitches/ 4 x 7 stitches and 1 x 8 stitches/ 2 x 7 stitches and 1 x 8 stitches. The 28 remaining stitches are closed.
vestuta hood scheme
finishing: Sew the pockets on the right and left front sides at a 3 cm fistanta from the bottom edge of the vest. Sew the other details of the coat. Along the right front side, on the edge is mounted on knitting needles nr. 3.5 with thread of blue color 80/84/92/100 stitches and knit a headband 1 knit stitch, 1 purl eye 2 cm. It starts with 1 purl stitch in the back row and ends with 2 purl stitches. In the 2nd row, 5 locks are made ( 1 life, 2 stitches together). The first falling at a distance of 16 stitches from the other edge at an interval of 13/14/16/18 stitches. After 2 cm from the beginning of the headband stitches are closed.

The headband of the left front side is made similar to that of the right side with the excption of the chelators. The first purl row begins with 2 purl stitches and ends with 1 purl stitch. Sew the hood along the neckline. At the top of the hood is sewed a mot.


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