the purple vest

Purple vest

vesta violeta-senpoliaAge: 3/6/12/18/24 months;
The necessary materials:
– 100/100/100/150/150 g purple thread (100 % lana, 125 m/50g);
– Andrele no. 3.5 and no. 4;
– 3 purple buttons.

Thread density: 22 stitches x 29 rows = 10 x 10 cm.

Spate: On the andrels no. 4 cast on 52/58/62/66/70 stitches and knit 2 rows of lazy stitch, 4 rows elastic stitch (2 front stitches, 2 purl stitches) starting the turn with 2 front stitches and ending it with 2 back meshes / 2 front stitches / 2 front stitches / 2 front stitches / 2 front stitches and continue with jersey point.
After 12/14/16/18/20 cm from the first row, for rascroiala sleeves will end from both sides in every 2nd row 3 stitches, 2 stitches, 1 eye and every 4th row 1/2/2/2/2 x 1 eye = 38/42/46/50/54 mesh.
After 22/25/28/31/34 cm from the first row, for cutting the neck, 22/24/2628/30 stitches will be completed from the center and each part will be knitted separately.
After 23/26/29/32/35 cm from the first row, for the shoulder line, will end from the side edges at the beginning of the DOS row 8/9/10/11/12 meshes. The second part will be knitted symmetrically.

Fata: On the andrels no. 4 mount 52/68/62/66/70 stitches and knit 2 rows lazy point, 4 rows elastic stitch (2 front stitches, 2 purl stitches) starting with the row with 2 front stitches and ending it with 2 dos / 2 front stitches / 2 front stitches / 2 front stitches / 2 front stitches and continue with jersey point.
After 12/14/16/18/20 cm from the first row, for rascroiala sleeves will end from both sides in every 2nd row 3 stitches, 2 stitches, 1 stitch and every 4th row 2 x 1 stitch.
After 13/15/17/19/21 cm from the first row, for cutting the neck, will end 10 stitches from the center and each side will knit separately.
After 19/22/25/28/31 cm, from the neckline will end in every 2nd row 3/3/3/4/5 mesh, 2 stitches, 1/2/3/3/3 mesh.
After 23/26/29/32/35 cm from the first row, for the shoulder line, will end from the side edges at the beginning of the DOS row 8/9/10/11/12 meshes. The second part will be knitted symmetrically.

finishing: Sew shoulders.
From the edge of the neckline will be mounted on andrels no.3.5- 54/58/62/66/70 mesh and knit 4 rows elastic point 2×2, starting and ending first row (back side) 2-mesh dos, after that the stitches end.

Right headband with lacers: From the edgeschema vesta violeta-senpolia The neckline on the front right side will be mounted on the andreels no.3.5- 26/30/34/38/42 mesh and knit 4 cm elastic point starting and ending first row (back side) 2-mesh dos, after that the stitches end. The left headband will knit similarly.
Hoods: From violet thread crochet 3 lacing from 7 chain meshes and fix at equal intervals to the right headband. On the left headband the buttons will be sewn.
From the edge of the sleeve neckline will be mounted on andreels no.3.5- 78/86/90/98/102 mesh and knit 4 cm elastic point 2×2, starting and ending first row (back side) 2-mesh dos, after that the stitches end.
The side seams are made. The bottom edges of the headbands on the front side will sew 3 cm, placing the right headband on top of the left one.


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