knitted vest with rhombuses

Vest with diamonds

Vesta cu romburiAge: 3-4 years;
– 100 g of white thread and 50 g each of red and blue thread (100% lana, 250 m/ 100g);
– Laces no. 3.5 and laces for stockings no. 3.5.
The density of the work: 18 stitches x 25 rows = 10 x 10 cm.

Models used:
Semi-elastic point: 1 eye girl, 1 back eye. In the following rows, the stitches are knitted as shown.
The Swedish model: Row 1 is knitted with red yarn, row 2 and 3 with white thread, row 4 with red thread. Next knit rhombuses according to the scheme. Row 20 is knit with red thread, rows 21-22 with white thread, row 23 with red thread. In the scheme are presented the front rows and the back rows. One cell= 1 eye. Each colored surface is knit with thread of appropriate color. When to change the wires, they cross on the back side of the detail.

Description of the work:
Fata: Mount on needle with blue thread 62 stitches and knit 3 cm semielastic point. After changing the color of the thread and knits jersey point with white thread. At a distance of 16 cm from the beginning of the work is knit the model "rhombuses" and will end from both sides by 8 stitches for neckline sleeve. Next it will knit with white thread.
At a distance of 1 cm from the neckline of the sleeves, stitches are divided in two for neckline neckline in the shape of V. Next each part will knit separately, closing from the inner edge in every 2nd row 10 x 1 eye.
At a distance of 42 cm from the beginning of the work, the remaining stitches for the shoulder end (13 stitches). The other side of the neckline will knit symmetrically.

Spate: It will knit similar to the front side, except for the "rhombus" model and the neckline which will be shallower than in the front part. For this, at a distance of 11 cm from the neckline sleeves will end 18 stitches in the middle, each side knitting separately. In the 2nd row from the inner edge ends 1 x 1 eye.
At a distance of 42 cm from the beginning of the work, the remaining stitches for the shoulder end (13 stitches). The other side of the neckline will knit symmetrically.

finishing: Sew the details that form the shoulders of the coat. From the edge of the neckline is mounted on the needles of sock 104 stitches and knit a headband semielastic point su thread of blue color. At a length of 2 cm will knit a row with white thread, and at a length of 3 cm the stitches are closed. The corners of the headband are placed on top of each other in the shape of a V and sewed. From the edge of the neckline sleeve is mounted on the needle with blue thread 58 stitches and knit a headband semilastic point of 3 cm. Similar is done with the neckline of the second sleeve.


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