Senpolia tunic and leggings

Tunic and leggings

Tunica si ghetreAge: 3-4 years
400 g of green thread and 50 g of beige thread (50% acrylic, 50 % lana, 392 m/100g);
Laces with string and 5 laces for stockings no. 2.5;
Crochet hook no. 3.
The density of the work: 20 stitches x 30 rows = 10 x 10 cm.

The back: It is mounted on Andrea with green thread 82 stitches and knit 4 cm 2 front stitches and 2 purl stitches, after which it is passed to the jersey stitch.
Cut the sleeves 31 cm from the beginning of the work: they close from both sides, in every 2nd row 1 x 5 stitches and 20 x 1 stitch. Concomitant, at a distance of 14 cm from the neckline of the sleeves, the neckline will be made, closing 18 stitches in the middle, each side knitting separately. The remaining 6 stitches are closed at a distance of 15 cm from the neckline sleeves.

Fata: It is knits similar to the back except for the neckline and a fold made in the bust area, for which it will knit in the following way: at 28 cm from the beginning of the work will knit 1 edge stitch, 34 stitches face, 12 purl stitches, 35 knit stitches. The following rows will be knit according to the picture. Further stitches are divided into two parts, each side knitting separately.
Right side: 1 edge stitch, 34 stitches face, Purl 3 stitches, 3 stitches face.
The left side is knit symmetrically with the right one. The necklines of the sleeves are made the same as those on the back side. Concomitant, 12 cm from the neckline of the sleeve, the neckline is performed. In every half the front, from both sides of the fold, every 2nd row will close 1 x 10 stitches, 1 x 10 stitches, 1 x 3 stitches, 1 x 1 eye. At a distance of 45 cm from the beginning of the work, close the remaining stitches, 6 in number.

Sleeve: Mount on needle with thread beige color 56 stitches and knit 2 rows
jersey point, after that 4 rows all stitches purl with green thread. Continue with jersey point, subtracting in every 2nd row from both sides 1 x 5 stitches, 17 x 1 eye, 1 x 2 stitches. At a distance of 16 cm from the beginning of the work the remaining stitches are closed ( 8 stitches).

Hood: Mount on needle with green thread 120 stitches and knit 4 rows all stitches back. Continue with jersey point, after 18 cm subtracting in every 2nd row from both sides 2 x 10 stitches, 2 x 5 stitches. At a distance of 22 cm from the beginning of the work the remaining stitches are closed ( 60 stitches).

Pockets: Mount on needle with thread green color 52 stitches and knit 2 knit stitches, 2 purl stitches. After 7 cm are subtracted in every 2nd row from both sides 2 x 4 stitches, 1 x 2 stitches. At a distance of 16 cm from the beginning of the work the remaining stitches are closed ( 32 stitches).

finishing: Sew the details of the clothes. Sew the hood on the edge of the neckline. Mount 204 stitches with beige thread on knitting needles with cord, starting from the middle of the front part. Knit jersey point 2 rows. It is made 4 motes with a diameter of 4 cm. Crochet from beige thread (thread to be in two) knit 2 laces of 25 cm of crochets without jeteu. The laces are sewn on both edges of the hood. At the ends of the strings are sewed by a mot.

Gaiters: Mount on 4 knitting needles of stockings 54 stitches with thread beige color and knit circular two knit stitches, 2 purl stitches, at the same time achieving the model presented in the diagram no.1. After 7 cm, proceed to the jersey point knitting 14 cm, then subtracting 2 stitches at equal distances.
At 23 cm from the beginning of the work is knit 2 knit stitches, 2 purl stitches, subtracting in the first row another 4 stitches = 48 stitches, and knit according to the scheme no.2. After 5 cm all stitches are closed. It is made 4 motes with a diameter of 4 cm. Crochet two laces of picooruse without jeteu with a length of 16 cm and sew from the top edge of the gaiters. At the end of the laces are sewn moturile.


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