The Bombonica set
The vest can be worn over the jacket or each separately.
Age: 6-8 years;
– 400 g for melange de colore rosie (100% acrylic, 100g /230m); |
– 400 g yellow melange thread; |
– 1 yellow mot with a diameter of 6 cm; |
– 4 motors with a diameter of 6 cm and 32 motors with a diameter of 4 cm; |
– Yellow zipper with a length of 35 cm; |
– Laces with string and 5 laces for socks no. 3.5; |
– Crochet hook no. 3.5; |
– Elastic band. |
The density of the work: 18 stitches x 26 rows = 10 x10 cm.
Caciula: Will knit two parts similar. Mount on needle with red thread 69 stitches and knit 3 purl stitches, 1 eye girl. After the first 2 rows will be subtracted in every 2nd row from both sides by 2 stitches, 15 x 1 eye, 2 stitches, 3 x3 stitches. The remaining eyes close. Sew the side edges. On top of the hat is sewed a mot of yellow color with a diameter of 6 cm, and on the bottom edges of the hat 18 motes with a diameter of 3 cm.
The jacket:
Front right side: Mount on needle with yellow thread 32 stitches and knit 3 purl stitches, 1 eye girl- 3 rows, after that jersey point.
For the formation of curvature will knit shortened rows in which will gradually add 3 stitches. Shortened rows will knit as follows: 1 edge stitch, 2 front stitches, the work returns, 1 life, the work returns, the stitches are knitted backwards, the work is back and knit the front stitches, jeteul knits the face together with the eye that follows it, after that will knit the front of the following 2 stitches, 1 life, the work goes back and continues in this way until on andrea we will have the number of stitches with which we started. Knit jersey point until we reach the length of 14 cm, 1 rand junk ( 2 stitches together, 1 life) after that 3 cm will knit with red thread- 3 back-eyed, 1 eye girl.
Will knit 16 cm jersey point with yellow thread and will close where the part is longer, every 2nd row 3 stitches, 2 x 2 stitches, 1 eye.
For neckline, at a distance of 26 cm from the elastic will close 3 stitches, 2 x 2 stitches, 3 x 1 eye. At a distance of 28 cm from the elastic all the stitches are closed.
The left front is knit symmetrically with the right one.
Spate: Mount on needle with yellow thread 65 stitches and knit 3 purl stitches, 1 eye girl- 3 rows, after that 14 cm is knit jersey point, 1 rand junk, 3 cm – 3 purl eyes, 1 eye girl, 16 cm jersey point with yellow thread.
For the neckline sleeves from both sides in every 2nd row will close 3 stitches, 2 x 2 stitches, 1 eye. At a distance of 28 cm from the elastic all the stitches are closed.
Sleeve: Mount on needle with yellow thread 53 stitches and knit 3 purl stitches, 1 eye girl- 3 rows, then knit jersey point. Every 5th row, from both sides are subtracted by 6 x 1 eye. Knit another 4 rows, after which in every 6th row will be added from both sides 4 x 1 eye.
At a distance of 8 cm from the beginning of the work, the red thread is gradually inserted: from both sides the eye on the edge of yellow color will knit with thread red color, row 3 by 2 red stitches, the rest of the yellow etc.. Continue until on needle all stitches will be red.
At a distance of 33 cm from the beginning of the work are subtracted, from both sides, every 2nd row 3 stitches, 2 x 2 stitches, 6 x 1 stitch, 2 stitches, 2 x 3 stitches. The remaining eyes close.
finishing: Sew all the details of the jacket. From the red thread twist 3 laces, two with a length of 44 cm, the third with a length of 94 cm and pass through the hemstitch rows on the front and back side. Sew the zipper on the two front sides. The edges of the left and right front parts are crocheted with yellow thread: 1 row crochet stitches without jeteu.
For finishing the neckline, mount on needle 49 stitches on the edge of the neckline and knit 3 cm as follows: 1 edge stitch, 1 back eye, 45 stitches: Purl 3 stitches, 1 eye girl (it starts with 1 face eye), 1 back eye, 1 edge stitch. The collar turns and sews on the back side. On the side edges of the collar are sewn two motes with a diameter of 6 cm.
The front side: Mount on needle with thread yellow color 69 stitches and knit 3 knit stitches, 1 back eye- 3 rows (it starts with the front stitches), then knit jersey point. For curvature will knit shortened rows just like those described in jacket. A curvature jmatate will be made, then the second half, then all stitches are passed on a single needle andrea. At a distance of 23 cm from the beginning of the work will knit 'flirtatious' in the following way: Gradually in each front row will knit 3 stitches with red thread instead of 3 yellows. Knit in this way until on needle all stitches will be red, then it will knit: Purl 3 stitches, 1 eye girl.
At a distance of 33 cm from the beginning of the work, for cutting the sleeves, will close from both sides in every 2nd row 2 x 3 stitches, 2 stitches, 1 eye.
At a distance of 35cm from the beginning of the work, for cutting the neck, close 1 middle eye, and from each side of it in every 2nd row 18×1 eye. At a length of 47 cm all stitches are closed.
On the edge of the neckline sleeves and neck will crochet 1 row crochet without jeteu with red thread.
With red thread is knit a strip of 37 cm: mount on needle 8 stitches and knit jersey point. Every 9th row, the 8 stitches are crossed to the left, the first 4 stitches are taken on needle, the next 4 are knit front and pass after the first 4 that will knit front. The tape will be sewed under the coquetry at the border between knitting with yellow and red thread.
Spate: Mount on needle with thread yellow color 69 stitches and knit 3 knit stitches, 1 back eye- 3 rows (it starts with the front stitches), then knit jersey point. At a distance of 33 cm from the beginning of the work, for cutting the sleeves, will close from both sides in every 2nd row 2 x 3 stitches, 2 stitches, 1 eye. At a length of 47 cm all stitches are closed. On the edge of the neckline sleeves and neck will crochet 1 row crochet without jeteu with red thread.
finishing: Sew the details of the vest. With red thread is knit a strip of length of 77 cm, consisting of 7 stitches : 1 eye girl, 1 back eye. The tape will be sewn on the edge of the neckline. In the front, in the middle of the neckline, the tape will cross so that one end is 2 cm longer than the other. The ends of the tape are allowed to hang freely. Under the decorativeade strip under the coquetry is sewn 14 motes with a diameter of 3cm. on the lateral edges of the foot are sewn two motes with a diameter of 6 cm.
Wood: Mount on knitting needles for stockings with red thread 144 stitches and knit circular 34 cm 3 stitches back, 1 eye girl, 3 cm jersey point, 1 rand, 3 cm jersey point after which the stitches are closed. At the top of the skirt, in the back rows turn a tape 2.5 cm and sew. In the formed space, the elastic is inserted.
Socks: Mount on knitting needles for stockings with yellow thread 46 stitches and knit circular 2 cm two knit stitches, 2 purl stitches. After that will knit jersey point 18 cm. In the back, instead of the future heel will decrease every 13th row 4×2 stitches. At a distance of 42 cm from the beginning of the work, the heel will be made: Pass 20 stitches on a needle and 18 stitches on the other. The 18 stitches will knit jersey point 10 rows, then they are divided into 3 parts: 5 stitches, 8 stitches, 5 stitches. Will knit only those 8 stitches, and from both sides of them will decrease 1 eye in each row, until the needle will remain only those 8 central stitches. From the edges of those 8 stitches are mounted on needles each 5 stitches and will knit 10 cm jersey point.
The top of the sock will be made in the following way: Stitches are divided into two: top of the sock and sole. At the beginning and end of each part will decrease 1 eye 9 times (at first 2 stitches together twisted face, at the end 2 stitches together front). The 2 remaining stitches are closed. The top edge of the sock bends to the back side and sews. In the formed space is inserted an elastic band. The second sock is knit similar.