sundress for mother's little girl

Sarafan “mama's girl”

sarafan pentru fetita mamei
Age: 3-6 months;
The necessary materials:
– for "opal" (1 bobina are 470m);
– crochet no. 2.5;
– 4 buttons.

Description of the work:
Row 1: A chain of 45 stitches is crocheted.
Rows 2-4: * 15 crochet stitches with jeteu + 1 chain eye, * repeat 2 times, 15 jeteu stilts. We get a chain with 2 holes.
Row 5: In each eye are crocheted 4 crochet stitches with jeteu- we get an embossed volanas. The working thread will be cut at the end of the row.

Skirt: It connects the working thread to the eye under the hole (they were crocheted in rows 1,2,3 and 4 after the 15 crochet stitches with jeteu) and crochet in one eye by 2 crochet stitches with jeteu to the next hole. They will crochet in this way another 15 rows. The first part is crocheted.
schema sarafan pentru fetita mamei
The second part will knit similar to the first. Sew both sides. Se cos 2 buttons on one brace and 2 on the other.


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