Senpolia striped jumpsuit

Striped jumpsuit

salopeta in dungisize: 56/62;
The necessary materials:
– 200/250 g pink thread (100% cotton, 155 m/50g);
– 50 g each of light pink and white thread (100% cotton, 155 m/50g);
– Andrele no. 2.5 and no. 3, needles for knitting socks no. 3;
– 1 button;
– Zipper.
– 80 cm elastic with a width of 2 cm.

Thread density: 30 stitches x 35 rows = 10 x 10 cm.

The striped model:* 2 rows with white thread, 2 rows with light pink thread, 2 rows with pink thread, repeat from *.
The openwork model: it will be knitted according to the scheme. In the scheme is presented the first row dos, the other rows are front rows. In the back rows, all stitches and jeteurile are tricoteaza dos. It will start with the stitches before the ratio of the arrow. Repeat once from row 1-9, after which it will be repeated from row 2 to row 9.

Right ankle: Mount on knitting needles no.2.5 with pink thread 72/78 stitches and knit a headband from 16 rows jersey point. After that, with andrels no. 3, between edge stitches will knit 24/28 rows hemstitch pattern starting from the arrow A / B, 6 rows in striped pattern, 10/12 rows jersey point with pink thread and 14 rows pattern in stripes. In every 8th row from both sides will be added 6 x 1 stitch, including the stitches added in knitting models.
After 15/17 cm from the headband, stitches are put on a helpful needle.
The left branch is knit similar to the right one.

The top of the overalls: On knitting needles no.3 are passed stitches of the right and left crotch of pantalonasilor = 168/180 stitches and knit jersey point with pink thread, leaving open the back half.
After 40/44 cm from the headband, stitches will be distributed as follows: first 42/45 stitches for the left side of the back side, 84/90 stitches for the front side, 42/45 stitches for the right side for the right side back. Peels for both sides of the back part are left on a helpful needle andrea and will knit only the stitches of the front part: 16 rows in striped pattern, the other rows will be knit with white thread jersey point.
For the neckline of the sleeves, first of all will end from both sides 1 x 13 stitches.
After 48.5/53.5 cm from the headband, for neckline will end 12 stitches from the center, both sides will knit separately. Every 2nd row will end at the edge of the neckline 1×4, 1×3, 1×2, 1×1 eye.
After 54/59 cm from the headband, the remaining stitches for the shoulder end.
Pass on the knitting needles work right side back and will knit 16 rows pattern in stripes, the other rows will be knit with white thread jersey point. From the inner edge will be made the neckline of the sleeve as described in the front and at the same length.
At the length of the front part, stitches end. The left side of the back part will knit symmetrically with the right one.

Sleeve: It is mounted on knitting needles no.2.5 with pink thread 60 stitches and knit a headband from 16 rows jersey point. After that, with andrels no. 3, between the edge stitches will knit 24 rows hemstitch pattern starting from the arrow B, 6 rows in striped pattern, 20/22 rows jersey point with pink thread and 16 rows pattern in stripes. In every 4th row from both sides will be added 12/10 x 1 stitch and in every 2nd row 0/5 x 1 stitch, including the stitches added in knitting models.
After 14/15 cm from the headband, will knit as 4.5 cm, after that the stitches end.

finishing: The stitching of the shoulders and sleeves is made. The sleeves are sewn, half of the sleeve will be placed in front of the shoulder seam. Sew the pants and 9/12 cm from the bottom of the central seam in the back.
All the headbands bend inwards and sew, leaving at the ends a small opening. In the bent headbands will be inserted elastic.
From the edge of the neckline is mounted with pink thread, on knitting needles for stockings no. 3, 79 stitches and knit 14 rows jersey point:, 8 rows with knitting needles no.2.5 and 3 rows with knitting needles no.3, after that the stitches end.
Headband bends outwards and sews. Sew the zipper. On one of the parts where the zipper was sewn, a lock will be made, on another will sew a button.


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