Bolero Senpolia

Romantic and beautiful bolero

Bolero Romantic si frumosAge: 6-9 months;
-150g fire (70% wool, 30% acrylic), 100 g mohair (60% acrylic and 40% polyamide) beige color;
– andre no. 5;
– Crochet no. 5.
Knit density: 19 stitches x 23 rows = 10x10cm.

Description of the work:
The back side: With the woolen thread, 52 stitches are mounted on the needle and se knit jersey point. For the neckline of the sleeve, at a distance of 14 cm from the beginning of the work are closed from both sides by 5 stitches. The remaining 42 stitches are knit until we reach the distance of 25 cm, after that are closed by 11 stitches for each shoulder and 20 for neckline.

Front right side: With wool thread is mounted on knitting needles 9 stitches and knit jersey point. In every 2nd row is added by 1 stitch of 16 times = 25 stitches. For the neckline of the sleeve, at a distance of 14 cm from the beginning of the work are closed 5 stitches. Simultaneously, from the opposite side is subtracted by 1 eye 9 times in every 2nd row. The decrease is achieved after the first 2 stitches from the edge. At a distance of 25 cm from the beginning of the work are closed 11 stitches for the shoulder.

Front left side: It knits symmetrically with the right one.
Sleeve: With wool thread is mounted on knitting needles 30 stitches and knit jersey point. Every 12th row is added from both sides by 1 stitch 2 times = 34 stitches. At distance of 13 cm from the beginning of the work are closed from both sides in every 2nd row 6 stitches, 5 stitches and 12 stitches. The length of the sleeve will be 16 cm.
On the bottom edge of the sleeves, with thread from mohair is taken 30 stitches and knit 1 knit stitch, 1 back eye. In row 5 is added after every 5 stitches by 1 purl stitch. At a distance of 5 cm from the beginning of the work the stitches are closed.

finishing: Sew the details of the coat. From the middle of the neckline on the back is mounted on the knitting needles 1 stitch from each eye on the edge all around and knit 1 knit stitch, 1 back eye. In turn 5 in every 6th stitch is added by 2 stitches, knitting from one eye 3. At a distance of 4 cm from the beginning of the work the stitches are closed. The edges of the ruffles are attached on the backside of the back.

Crochet two laces of mesh chain length of 15 cm and sew at the beginning of the neckline on the backside under the strip with ruffles.
Bolero scheme


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