purple dress

Purple dress

purple dressAge: 4 years;

The necessary materials:
300 g purple thread ( 70% wool, 30% acrylic, 200m/ 100g);
100 g of pink yarn of the same quality as the purple one;
Andrele with string no. 4;
Crochet hook no. 2.

The pattern used to knit the petticoat: It is knitted according to scheme no. 1. Only the front rows are shown in the diagram, purl rows are knitted according to the picture. Rows 1-14 are repeated as we advance in height. In the places numbered in the scheme with the number 7, every 10th row is added 1 eye, knitting stitches added in the front rows as stitches inside out, and in the back rows as stitches on the face.

The flower: Crochet according to scheme no.2. The crocheted tape is run in the shape of a spiral and is attached to the base of the.
The spiral is crocheted according to scheme no.3.

The Siret: mount 3 stitches p andrele and knit the front, every time, after knitting all stitches in the row, move the stitches to the opposite end of the knitting needles.

The pattern used to knit the top of the dress: With pink thread is mounted on knitting needles half of the necessary stitches and knit further with purple thread.
Row 1: 1 edge stitch, 1 eye girl, 1 life, repeat until the end of the row. The row ends with an edge eye.
Row 2: 1 edge stitch, jeteul is knit as front stitch, the next eye is taken on the needle without being braided as a purl eye, the thread passes before the eye. Repeat until the end of the row. The row ends with an edge eye.
Row 3 and next: 1 edge stitch, 1 eye girl, the next eye is taken on the needle without knitting as a purl eye, the thread passes before the eye. Repeat until the end of the row. The row ends with an edge eye.

Description of the work: The dress is knit starting from the neck. Mount on knitting needles 39 stitches pink color and knit 6 rows using the pattern for knitting the top part of the dress. In total we get 76 stitches, which are divided in the following way: 14 stitches left sleeve, 1 raglan eye, 22 stitches front of the dress, 1 raglan eye, 14 stitches right sleeve, 22 stitches back, 1 raglan eye. Next it knits circular 2 knit stitches, 2 purl stitches. Stitches raglanului are knit on the face.

For the formation of raglan, in each odd row, from both sides of the raglan line is added 1 stitch from the thread between the stitches, taking it twisted. In this way, from each side of the raglan line is added by 15 stitches (in total 120 stitches).
The stitches of every detail of the dress are passed on the helpful knitting needles or pins: 44 stitches left sleeve, 54 stitches front side, 44 stitches right sleeve, 54 back. The sleeves are knit separately, 2 front stitches, 2 purl stitches. For narrowing, from both sides, in every 6th row is subtracted by 1 eye 2 times. At a distance of 20 cm from the neck, knit 6 rows (1 front row, 1 rand), after which the eyes close (an embossed border is formed).

The stitches of the front and the back are passed on the base knitting needles and knit circularly 8 cm ( 2 front stitches, 2 purl stitches). continue, knitting the pattern for the skirt, increasing the number of stitches at the bottom of the skirt, according to the scheme. At a distance of 51 cm from the beginning of the braiding, stitches are closed.
For the bottom of the sleeves, mount on needle 35 stitches with pink thread and knit 1 knit stitch, 1 back eye. For widening the sleeve, in every 16th row add 1 eye 3 times. We knit 25 cm, after that we close the stitches.
dress schemeThe sleeves are fastened under the embossed border and sewn on the edges.

For finishing the neckline, mount on needle 70 stitches of pink thread and knit 6 rows: 1 front row, 1 rand, after which the eyes close. Catch the edges. " Tubuletul' formed is sewed by the neckline, on the back side.
Crochet the flower, spiral and drawstring 100 cm long, using the pink thread. Catch the flower spiral and accurately sew it to the top left of the dress.
The siret is passed through the upper edge of the pattern used to knit the skirt.


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