senpolia sweater and backpack

Sweater and backpack

Pulover si rucsac tricotatAge: 3-4 years;
– 200 g for melange (100% acrylic, 100 g/230 m) light brown;
– 50 g of dark brown yarn;
– A few grams of threads are different colors;
– Andre no. 3;
– Andrele for socks no. 3;
– Crochet hook no. 3.
The density of the work: 20 stitches x 28 rows = 10×10 cm;

The front side: Mount on needle with thread dark brown color 91 stitches and knit 4 cm 4 stitches 4 purl stitches, 2 front stitches. After that, it will knit 1 row jersey point with dark brown thread, 4 cm with blue-marine thread then the ornament shown in the scheme.
After making the ornament will be knit with thread of navy-blue color until the end of the detail. At a distance of 43 cm from the beginning of the work, for neckline is closed 21 stitches from the middle and then from amble parts of them in every 2nd row by 4 stitches, 3 stitches, 2 stitches and 1 stitch. At a distance of 48 cm from the beginning of the work, the remaining stitches are closed.

The back side: It knits as the front side only with light brown thread.
For neckline will close 31 stitches in the middle with 3 cm above, than in the front side. Then from both sides of them every 2nd row will close 3 stitches and 2 stitches. At a distance of 48 cm from the beginning of the work, the remaining stitches are closed.

Sleeve: Mount on needle with thread dark brown color 41 stitches and knit 5 cm 4 purl stitches, 2 front stitches. After that it will knit with light brown thread same pattern.
In every 4th row will be added from both sides 20 times 1 eye. At a distance of 34 cm from the beginning of the work, the eyes close.
sweater and backpack scheme
finishing: With black thread sew the contour of the ornamenter. With yellow thread will be sewn the sun's rays and around the circle that represents the sun.
Sew accurately all the details of the sweater. The border between the headband and the jersey point on the bottom edge of the sweater, cuffs and collar will be marked "cross over cross".

The collar of the sweater will be finished in the following way: From the edge of the neckline will be mounted on needle 102 stitches with either dark brown color and will knit 3.5 cm 4 purl stitches and 2 knit stitches. The eyes close, and the edge of the collar will bend and will be attached on the back side of the coat to the edge of the neckline.

Backpack: Knitting ruscacului will start from the bottom. With dark brown thread will knit a chain consisting of 12 stitches. In each chain eye will crochet 1 crochet without jeteu, in the first s last chain eye by 2 crochets without jeteu. The other side of the bottom of the backpack is knit similar, entering the point where we started the tailoring. Crochet circularly by adding crochet stitches without jeteu at equal distances until it reaches an oval shape with parts of 21 and 17 cm.

After, that stitches will rise p andrea and will knit jersey point with thread dark brown color 10 cm and 19 cm with thread bleu-marin color. At a distance of 22 cm from the beginning of the work, after every 4th row will knit a hemstitch row ( 1 life, 2 stitches together). At the border between the knitted part with brown- closed and the navy will knit a brooch, according to the scheme. The contour of the frog will be sewn with black wool.

The top edge of the backpack is inseminated with dark brown thread, the thread being in two .
With dark brown thread will crochet the straps of the rucasc: crochet a chain consisting of 10 chain stitches. Next will crochet crochet without jeteu until a length of 75 cm. The eyes close. The brace folds in two. The place that represents the middle of the brace is sewn under the hemstitch row closest to the top edge of the backpack. The edges of the braces are attached to the bottom of the backpack at a distance of 10 cm from each other.

A string of 110 cm long is made by twisting a dark brown thread and a navy-blue one and pass through the first hemstitch row on the top edge of the backpack.
In scheme no.2, 1-| alb, 2 – light yellow, 3 –yellow, 4-Δportocaliu, 5-navy blue, 6- x blue, 7- /light green, 8- ↓green, 9-● Dark green, 10- ■black.
scheme 2 sweater and backpack


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