sweater for a senpolia doll

Sweater for a doll

Pulover pentru o papusicaAge: 1 year and 6 months

220 g of raspberry colored yarn (100% acrylic );
Andre no. 3.5 and no. 4;
4 thread color buttons.
The density of the work: 20 stitches x 27 rows = 10 x 10 cm.

Models used:

Semi-elastic point: 1 eye girl, 1 back eye. In the following rows we knit the stitches as shown.
Model 1: according to scheme no. 1;
Model 2: according to scheme no. 2.
Careful! It is knitted with the yarn in two.

Spate: It is mounted on the andrels no. 4 59 stitches and knit 2 cm semielastic point, adding in the last row 1 stitch = 60 stitches. It continues with the knitting of the model presented in the scheme no.. 1.
After 20 cm from the beginning of the work are closed 4 stitches from the middle and by 4 stitches from the sides, after which each part will be knitted separately (24 stitches one side).
At a length of 21 cm are closed by 14 stitches for each shoulder and by 10 stitches for neckline.

The front side: It is mounted on the andrels no. 4 59 stitches and knit 2 cm semielastic point, adding in the last row 1 stitch = 60 stitches. Continue knitting by dividing the stitches as follows: 18 stitches will knit after the model of the scheme no.1, 24 stitches after the model of the scheme no.2 and 18 stitches after the model of the scheme no.1

After 20 cm from the beginning of the work, for neckline sleeves are closed by 4 stitches from both sides = 52 stitches.
After 26 cm from the beginning of the work, for neckline is closed 14 stitches from the middle and from the amblele parts thereof in every 2nd row by 3 stitches and 2 stitches.
At a length of 32 cm are closed by 14 stitches for each shoulder.

Sleeve: It is mounted on the andrels no. 4 35 stitches and knit 2 cm semielastic point, adding in the last row 1 stitch = 36 stitches. It continues with the knitting of the model presented in scheme no.1, adding from both sides in every 14th row 3 x1 stitch = 42 stitches.
After 22 cm from the beginning of the work, close from both sides in every 2nd row 3×3 stitches, after that and those 24 remaining stitches. The sleeve length is 25 cm. The second sleeve is knit similarly.

finishing: All the details of the sweater are sewn. From the edge of the neckline is mounted stitches on knitting needles nr. 3.5 and knit 6 rows semielastic point, after which the eyes close.
On the edges resulting from the 4 meshes in the middle closed on the back is mounted on the knitting needles nr. 3.5 stitches up to the edge edge 1x 1 and knit 6 rows semielastic point. On the left side, the chelons are made ('salt' over two stitches), first and last located 1 cm away from the top and bottom edge, the other two at equal intervals.
Sew the buttons on the right side and the edges of the strips with buttons and clasps.

Use: description of the signs presented in scheme no.2 you can find HERE


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