sweater for girls senpolia

Sweater for girls

Pulover pentru fetitesize: for children aged 2.5 - 3 years;
– 200 g of white yarn( 50% lana, 50% acrylic, 392 m/ 100g);
– A few grams of burgundy and raspberry yarn;
– Andre no. 3.5;
– Crochet hook no. 4.
Knit density: 18 stitches x 20 rows = 10×10 cm;

The front side: The sweater will be knitted in two strands. Mount on needle with raspberry color thread 62 stitches and knit 2 knit stitches, 2 purl stitches 4 cm, after which it is passed to the jersey stitch, first adding 1 stitch and knitting the ornament shown in scheme no.1.

Next proceed to knitting with white thread. At a distance of 20 cm from the first row will knit the model "tail" only on 29 stitches in the middle, according to scheme no. 2. Simultaneously at a distance of 20 cm from the beginning of the work, for cutting the sleeve, from both sides will close each 8 stitches. Knitting another 9 cm, will close 15 stitches in the middle for neckline. The other two parts will knit separately, closing in every 2nd row from the internal side 1 x 3 stitches and 1 x 1 stitch. At a distance of 35 cm from the beginning of the work, remaining stitches (14 in number) will close.

Spate: Mount on needle with raspberry-colored thread 58 stitches and knit 2 knit stitches, 2 purl stitches 4 cm, after which it is passed to the jersey stitch, first adding 1 stitch and knitting the ornament shown in scheme no.1.

Next proceed to knitting with white thread. At a distance of 20 cm from the first row will knit the model "tail" only on 29 stitches in the middle, according to scheme no. 2. Simultaneously at a distance of 20 cm from the beginning of the work, for cutting the sleeve, from both sides will close each 8 stitches. Knitting another 11 cm, will close 12 stitches in the middle for neckline. The other two parts will knit separately, closing in every 2nd row of the internal part 1 x 1 eye. At a distance of 35 cm from the beginning of the work, remaining stitches (14 in number) will close.

Sleeve: Mount on needle with raspberry color thread 40 stitches and knit 2 knit stitches, 2 purl stitches 4 cm, after which it is passed to the jersey stitch, first adding 1 stitch and knitting the ornament shown in scheme no.1.
scheme 1 sweater for girls
Next proceed to knitting with white thread knitting is the model of scheme no.2 with 29 stitches in the middle, adding from both sides 1 eye. After that, every 6th row will be added from both sides, 6 x 1 stitch. At a distance of 22 cm from the beginning of the work will be closed in every 2nd row from both sides, 1 x 7 stitches, 10 x 1 eye, 3 x 2 stitches. At a distance of 31 cm from the beginning of the work all stitches will close.

finishing: Sew the details that form the shoulder. On the edge of the neckline, with white thread will be mounted 120 stitches, starting from the middle of the front part and, s will knit 2 stitches front, 2 purl stitches, without closing the circle: 2 rows with white thread, 6 rows with raspberry-colored thread, 2 rows with white thread.

At the same time, after 6 rows from the beginning of knitting the collar, will knit 1 row hemstitch: * 2 stitches together, 1 life*, repeat *-* until the end of the row. The next row will knit according to the scheme. At a length of 4 cm of the collar, all stitches will close. Sew all the details of the sweater. It will crochet with white thread (thread to be in two), a cord with a length of 1 m (semipicioruse with jeteu). The string will pass through the hemstitch row.

From raspberry-colored thread will be made two motts with a diameter of 3 cm and will be attached to the ends of the cord.
scheme 2 sweater for girls
Description of the signs presented in scheme no.2 you can find HERE Except |, that represents the face eye.


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