sweater don't forget me

Sweater “Do not forget me”

Pulover Nu ma uitaAge: 5 years
380g navy blue thread of medium thickness (100% acrylic );
Andre no. 3.5 and no. 4;
The density of the work: 15 stitches x 24 rows = 10 x 10 cm

Models used:

Elastic point: 2 front stitches, 2 purl stitches. In the following rows we knit the stitches as shown.
Stockinette stitch: In the front rows, all stitches are knitted backwards, in the purl rows, all the stitches are knitted face to face.
The pattern: according to the scheme;

Spate: It is mounted on the rails nr.3.5 54 stitches and knit elastic point, the first and last 2 stitches knit is lens point until the end of the work. After 4 cm continue knitting jersey point dos with knitting needles no. 4.
After 27 cm from the beginning of the work is marked, from both sides,with contrasting color thread the beginning of the neckline sleeves and knits straight.
At a length of 42 cm close by 16 stitches for each shoulder and 21 stitches for neckline.

The front side: It is mounted on anchors no. 3.5, 54 stitches and is knit elastic point, the first and last 2 stitches knit is lens point until the end of the work. After 4 cm continue knitting the model presented in the scheme with knitting needles no. 4. The pattern will be repeated 3 times, from row 1-8, 9-24, 25- by the end of the work.
After 27 cm from the beginning of the work is marked, from both sides,with contrasting color thread the beginning of the neckline sleeves and knits straight.
At a length of 42 cm close by 16 stitches for each shoulder and 21 stitches for neckline.

Sleeve: It is mounted on anchors no. 3.5, 30 stitches and knit elastic point, the first and last 2 stitches knit is lens point until the end of the work. After 4 cm continue knitting with jersey point back with knitting needles no knitting needles. 4. In every 8th row, from both sides will add 9 x 1 eye, additions being made after the first and before the last 2 stitches. = 48 stitches.
At a length of 34 cm all stitches are closed.

The conventional signs presented in the scheme you can find HERE
finishing: All the details of the sweater are sewn. The sweater is washed and dried before being worn.


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