striped sweater and bag

Striped sweater and bag

pulover in dungi si gentutaAge: 10 years.
Necessary materials:
For the sweater:
– 250 g of white yarn (55% cotton, 45% acrylic, 90 m/50 g);
– 150 g of orange yarn;
– 100 g of blue thread (100% polyester, 90 m/50 g).
For the bag:
– 100 g of blue yarn (55% cotton, 45% acrylic, 90 m/50 g);
– 50 g each of white and orange thread;
– Andre no. 5.5 and stockings no. 5.5;
– Crochet hook no. 5.5.

Thread density: 18 stitches x 25 rows = 10 x 10 cm;

The basic model:* 13 rows jersey point, 1 row (back side) with knit stitches*, it's repeating *-*.
The order of knitting stripes for sweater: 14 rows of basic model with white thread, Orange, alba, cornflower, alba, orange and will continue knitting with jersey point with white thread.
The order of knitting of the stripes for the bag: * 2 rows lazy point with white thread, 2 rows jersey point with orange thread, 2 rows lazy point with white thread, 4 rows jersey point with blue thread*, it's repeating *-*.

Spate: Mount on needle with thread blue color 78 stitches and knit 1 row back (back side), 11 rows of jersey point and 1 row (back side) with front stitches. After that will continue knitting respecting the order of stripes for sweater.
After 29 cm from the first row (62 rows), for rascroiala sleeves will end from both sides in every 2nd row 3 stitches, 2 stitches and 2 x 1 stitch = 64 stitches.
After 45 cm from the first row, for cutting the neck, will end 24 stitches from the center and each side will be knit separately, ending from both sides of the neckline after 2 knitted rows by 2 stitches.
After 47 cm from the first row, will end by 18 stitches remaining for each shoulder.

Fata: It knits similar to the back with a small exception. After 42 cm from the first row, for cutting the neck, will end 12 stitches from the center and each side will knit separately, concluding from both sides of the neckline in every 2nd row by 3 stitches, how many 2 stitches and how many 3 x 1 stitch.
After 47 cm from the first row, will end by 18 stitches remaining for each shoulder.

Sleeve: Mount on needle with thread blue color 34 stitches and knit 1 row back (back side), 19 rows of jersey point and 1 row (back side) with front stitches. After that will continue knitting respecting the order of stripes for sweater. In every 6th row 13 x 1 stitch = 60 stitches.
After 32 cm from the first row (62 rows) will end from both sides every 2nd row 4 stitches, 2 x 2 stitches, 13 x 1 stitch, 2 stitches, 3 stitches.
After 45 cm from the first row, will end the remaining 8 stitches.

finishing: All the details of the sweater are sewn. On schema pulover in dungi si gentutathe edge of the neckline will crochet 1 circular row "crayfish steps".

Gentuta (25 x 23 cm):
Mount on needle with thread blue color 47 stitches and knit 1 row back (back side), 4 rows of jersey point and 56 rows respecting the order of the stripes for the bag.
For the base will knit 5 cm lazy point with blue thread.
For the back will knit 60 rows respecting the order of the stripes for the bag.
For the cap will knit another 13 cm lazy point with orange thread, after which the stitches will close.
For the side edges and curelusa will knit a strip of 11 stitches lazy point with a length of 95 cm, after which the eyes close.
Sew the tape between the front and back of the bag in such a way that simultaneously with the strap to form the lateral edges of the bag.


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