sweater with open sleeves

Sweater with open sleeves

pulover cu maneci ajur
size: 38;
Necessary materials:
– 250 g for verde Mondial Cotton Soft (100% cotton, 180 m /50 g);
– Andre no. 2.5 and no. 3;

Thread density: 24 stitches x 32 rows = 10 x 10 cm;
Basic models:

Double elastic: Row 1: Knit * 1 front stitch with the working thread, 1 life*, repeat *-* until the end of the row. Row 2: * the jete is knitted as a front eye, take Andrea 1 eye as purl eye without knitting, the thread before the work* is repeated *-* until the end of the row. Row 3 and the following: * 1 front stitch is taken on Andrea 1 stitch as purl stitch without knitting, the thread before the work* is repeated *-* until the end of the row.
schema pulover cu maneci ajur
Semi-elastic point: 1 eye girl, 1 back eye;
Elastic 4/4: 4 front stitches, 4 purl stitches.
The openwork model (nr. of stitches = 4):
Row 1: * 2 stitches together front, 2 jetteri, Andrea is taken as an eye for an eye, 1 eye in front and go over the eye taken on Andrea*, it's repeating *-*.
Row 2 and all even rows: all stitches will be purl, and the stitches of the previous row will be knitted twisted back;
Row 3: all eyes face;
Row 5: the ratio of row 1 is repeated.

Description of the work:
Back/ Front: It is mounted on anchors no. 2.5- 101 stitches and knit 4 rows of double elastic and 2 rows of semi-elastic point.
Next, it will be knitted with knitting needles no. 3 elastic 4/4, starting and ending the rows with 5 front stitches. First of all, 5 stitches will be added at equal intervals.
After 38 cm from the first row, all stitches are closed.

Right sleeve and a half from the right front and back:
It is mounted on anchors no. 2.5- 41 stitches and knit 4 rows of double elastic and 2 rows of semi-elastic point.
Next, the openwork pattern will be knitted with needles no. 3, starting and ending the rows with 3 front stitches. First of all, 1 stitch will be added.
After, in every 10th row, 15 x 1 stitches will be added from both sides.

After 56 cm from the first row, the first 37 stitches will be finished and knitting will continue on the remaining stitches (see diagram).
After 64 cm from the first row, the remaining 35 stitches will be finished.
The left sleeve and half of the left side, front and back are knitted similarly to the right.

finishing: The side seams are made, sleeve seam. The right and left halves of the back/front will be sewn to the upper edge of the back/front at a distance of 13 cm from the side seam (see the picture).


4 thoughts on “Sweater with open sleeves

  1. Hello, I would like you to develop more the finishing of the blouse! thank you,

  2. I wrote another comment, wanting to show me how to finish the blouse, because as I understood from your description, respectively those 13 cm from the sleeve to the top of the front/back blouse, it would mean that there is another seam in the back, on the openwork model, which is not visible from the photo. Thanks,

  3. Good evening! On the back side there will be no seam in the middle. The back will look exactly like the front. Deci, the detail of 35 knitted stitches from the cut of the sleeve to 64 cm will form the shoulder. Sew on 13 cm from the cut of the sleeve to the cut of the neck both on the front and on the back.

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