merry corsair sweater

Sweater “The Merry Corsair”

pulover corsarul veselAge: 5 years.
Necessary materials:
– 300 g of green thread (50% cotton, 50% acrylic, 125 m/50 g);
– 50 g of turquoise yarn;
– Andre no. 4.

Thread density: 22 stitches x 42 rows = 10 x 10 cm;

The order of the stripes: with green thread: 1 purl row with front stitches, 2 rows of lazy stitch, * with turquoise thread: 2 rows of jersey stitch, 2 rows of lazy stitch*. After the first 3 rows, the next 6 rows will be knitted *-*, after that 1 row front with front stitches.

The vertical model (odd number of stitches): row 1 (back side):1 edge stitch ,* 1 front eye, 1 life, 1 purl stitch is cast on Andrea without knitting*, it's repeating *-*, the row ends with 1 front stitch and 1 edge stitch.
Row 2 (the front side): 1 edge stitch ,* 1 life, 1 purl stitch is taken on the needle without knitting, 1 front eye*, it's repeating *-*, the row ends with 1 jeteu, 1 purl stitch is taken on andrea and 1 edge stitch.
Repeat rows 1 and 2. Din randul 2 ochiul luat pe andre si jeteul se vor tricota impreuna fata.

Spate: Se monteaza pe andrea cu fir de culoare verdeschema pulover corsarul vesel 81 ochiuri si se vor tricota 15 cm modelul vertical, 4 cm dungi, observing the order of stripes, * 3 cm model vertical, 4 cm dungi, respectand ordinea dungilor*, it's repeating *-*.
Dupa 20 cm tricotati, for cutting the sleeves, se vor incheia din ambele parti cate 8 ochiuri= 65 cm.
After 33 cm knitted from the first row, all stitches end.

Fata: It knits as the back side. Dupa 33 cm tricotati de la primul rand se va continua cu modelul vertical. First, for cutting the neck, e vor incheia 31 ochiuri din centru si fiecare parte se va tricota separat.
Dupa 39 cm tricotati de la primul rand se vor inchea ochiurile ramase pentru umere.

Sleeve: Se monteaza pe andrea cu fir de culoare verde 37 ochiuri si se vor tricota* 3 cm model vertical, 4 cm dungi, respectand ordinea dungilor*, se repeta *-*si se va continua cu modelul vertical. In fiecare al 6-lea rand se vor adauga din ambele parti 14 x 1 ochi si in fiecare al 4-lea rand 4 x 1 ochi = 73 ochiuri.
Dupa 28 cm tricotati de la primul rand se vor inchea toate ochiurile.

finishing: Se realizeaza cusaturile umerilor, a manecilor si cele laterale.


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