poncho and hat in shades of senpolia blue

Poncho and hat in shades of blue

poncho si caciulita in nuante de albastrusize: 56/62; 68/74; 80/86.
The necessary materials:
– each 100/150/150 g of light lilac yarn, bleu, blue and purple (100% polyamide, 60m/50g);
– 50 g of white yarn (50% polyamide, 25% lana, 25% polyacryl, 66m/50g);
– Andre no. 4, 5, 6;
– 2 buttons.

Thread density: 12 stitches x 20 rows = 10 x 10 cm.

The back side: It is mounted on the andrels no. 6- 25/33/38 stitches with light lilac and purple thread. Between the edge stitches will knit jersey point. Each square of a certain color will be knitted with a separate ball, when changing the color of the wire, The wires will cross on the back side of the work.
After 15/18.5/20.5 cm from the first row, Above the light lilac square will be knitted with blue thread, and above the purple square will be knitted with blue thread.
After 31/37/41 cm from the first row the mesh closes.
Front side: It will knit similarly to the back.
schema poncho si caciulita in nuante de albastru_senpolia
Finishing: Make the seam of the right shoulder at 16.5/23/26.5 cm distance and of the left shoulder at 11.5/18/21.5 cm distance from the outer edge. On the back, two lacers will be made at 2.5cm and 5 cm distance from the left shoulder seam. Transitions from one color to another will be sewn with white thread (the thread in two) applying the seam "over the edge" on 2 meshes and 2 rows. Buttons are sewn.

It is mounted on the andrels no. 4 with blue thread 42/46/50 mesh and knit 4 cm semielastic point (1 eye girl, 1 back eye), adding 0/2/2 mesh last. After that, with andrels no. 5 Knitting jersey point between the edge meshes, 4 cm with purple thread, 4 cm with light lilac thread and the following meshes with blue thread.
After 8/9/10 cm from the headband will end from both sides 1×1 eye and every 2nd row 1 x 1 eyes and 1 x 2 stitches. Simultaneously with the rounding on the edges, the interior rounding will be done, ending 2 stitches in the center and both sides will be knitted separately. In every 2nd row from the inner edge will end 1 x 1 eye and 1 x 2 meshes.
After 11/12/13 cm from the headband, the remaining meshes end.
finishing: The back and top seam of the hat is made. To the 2 outer uncles will be fixed 1 tassel made of white thread.


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