overcoat and senpolia beret

Overcoat and beret

Pardesiu si beretaAge: 5-6 years;
– 550 g of butter-colored thread ( 41% acrylic, 41% polyester, 18% polyamide, 100 g/220 m);
– 100 g of thread of the same color and composition for the beret;
– 100 g white effect yarn (100% polyamide, 50 g / 150 m);
– 2 motors with a diameter of 6 cm and 61 motors with a diameter of 4 cm made of effect wire;
– Andrele with string no. 4;
– 5 socks for socks no. 4;
– Crochet hook no. 4;
Knit density: 15 stitches x 28 rows = 10 x 10 cm.

Beret: It is mounted on Andrea, with butter colored thread, 8 stitches and knit the pattern from scheme no.1- 50 cm, after which the eyes close. Along the knitted strip, cast on 112 stitches and knit 8 cm jersey stitch, after which the stitches are divided into 8 equal parts. At the beginning of every 2nd row, 1 stitch will be decreased until all the stitches are closed. Each decrease will be performed on top of the previous one.
Sew the side edges of the beret. On the edges of the headband, you will crochet 2 rows of legs without jeteu with white effect thread. At the top of the beret, a mot with a diameter of 4 cm is sewn.

Overcoats: Cast on 96 stitches on the needles with cord with effect thread and knit 7 cm 1 front stitch, 1 back eye. After that, the stitches will be divided into 6 parts, 16 stitches in each side and continue with butter-colored thread. Each part will be knitted the same: 3 stitches face, 13 stitches, the model from scheme no. 2. The parties will expand as follows: in every 2nd row from both sides, 1 stitch will be added. At a distance of 41 cm from the beginning of the work, close all the stitches.

The edges of the overcoat will be finished in the following way: 10 stitches with effect thread are mounted on the needle and a lazy point will be knitted until we reach a length equal to the perimeter of the laps of the overcoat. The band is sewn to the hem of the overcoat, it is folded in two and sewn on the back side. The same is done with the tape from the neckline.
In the space between the two parts of the band from the neckline, an effect thread lace will be passed (1 chain consisting of legs without jet with a length of 1m). The 2 motors with a diameter of 6 cm will be attached to the ends of the lace.
The remaining 4 cm diameter loops will be sewn to the hems of the overcoat.
You can find the description of the symbols presented in scheme 1 and 2 HERE
overcoat and beret scheme


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