senpolia overcoat

overcoat, hat and gloves

Pardesiu, caciulita si manusiAge: 3-6 months;
– 400 g yellow acrylic;
– 4 buttons of the same color;
– Andrele no. 4.5;
– Crochet hook no. 4.5.
The density of the work: 20 stitches x 25 rows = 10×10 cm. It is knitted in two threads.

The back side: It is mounted on Andrea 80 stitches and knit 2.5 cm model 'rice', then continue with jersey point. At a distance of 23.5 cm from the beginning of the work is contiunua with knitting model "rice", subtracting at the same time at equal distances 24 stitches (12 times how many 3 stitches together front) = 56 stitches.
For cutting the sleeve, at a distance of 27 cm from the beginning of the work in each second row are closed from both sides by 2 stitches and 1 stitch = 50 stitches. After 11 cm from the neckline of the sleeve, close 14 stitches from the center and how many 2 stitches from both sides of them in the 2nd row. Concomitant, for hangers, close 6 stitches and every 2nd row by 5 stitches 2 times. The length of the back part is 40 cm.

Right side of the front: Mount on needle 43 stitches and knit 2.5 cm model 'rice'. The first 6 stitches will knit until the end of the detail with the pattern 'rice', and the next 37 stitches will knit jersey point. The first lock is made at a distance of 13 cm from the beginning of the work: 1 edge stitch, 2 stitches according to the model, 1 life, 2 stitches together face, 2 mesh 'rice'. The next 3 will be ricoated at equal distances, the last one being located 1 cm below the top edge. At a distance of 23.5 cm from the beginning of the work, the knitting continues according to the model 'rice', subtracting 12 stitches at equal distances, 6 times how many 3 stitches together front = 31 stitches. After 3.5 cm, the neckline of the sleeve is made, every 2nd row close 2 stitches x1 and 1 stitch x1.
At a distance of 35 cm from the beginning of the work, for neckline is closed 7 stitches from the opposite side, in every 2nd row by 2 stitches x 1 and 1 stitch x 3. Concomitant, for hangers, at a distance of 11 cm from the neckline of the sleeve, close 6 stitches and every 2nd row by 5 stitches x 2. The length of the right side is 40 cm.

Front left side: It knits symmetrically with the right one.
Sleeve: Mount on needle 33 stitches and knit 2.5 cm model 'rice'. Continue knitting with jersey point, adding first of all after the model 'rice', at equal distances, 3 stitches = 36 stitches. After that, in every 6th row from both sides is added by 1 stitch x 4 = 44 stitches.
At distance of 16 cm from the beginning of the work are closed from both sides by 3 stitches and in every 2nd row 2 stitches x 3, 3 stitches x 2. The remaining 14 stitches are closed. Sleeve length is 21 cm.

finishing: accurately sew all the details of the clothes. For knitting the collar is raised stitches on the edge of the neckline, leaving free by 3 stitches for quilts. The first and last 5 stitches are knit ' rice ', the other jersey point. Starting from row 6 will add stitches at equal distances: in every 4th row will add each 5 stitches x 3.Starting with row 17 all stitches will knit 'rice', and after 5 rows they will close.

flowers: for each flower will crochet 5 petals according to the scheme and will sew from each other on the back side. The edges of each flower will crochet using the 'crayfish steps' pattern. Flowers are mowed on clothes, and in the middle will be made a few knots for the stamens of the flower as shown in the drawing.
The buttons are sewn on the left front side at the same level as the brooders.

headpiece: It is mounted on Andrea 80 stitches. Knit 20 rows model 'rice' and continue with jersey point. At a distance of 14 cm from the beginning of the work, the decreases begin: in every 2nd row at equal distances will decrease by 8 stitches 8 times, in such a way that the next decrease is above the previous one. The last stitches are passed through the cut work thread. Sew the edges of the caciulitei. Crochet a flower just like those for topcoat. The flower is sewed on top of the caciulitei.
topcoat scheme
Gloves: Mount on needle 22 stitches and knit 8 rows model 'rice' after which it continues with jersey point. In row 1 add 5 stitches at equal distances. At 7 cm from the beginning of the work the stitches are subtracted as follows:
Row 1: 1 eye girl, *4 front stitches, 2 stitches together face, repeat from * 3 times and end with 2 stitches front.
Row 2 and all even rows: it is knitted according to the scheme.
Row 3: 1 eye girl, *3 front stitches, 2 stitches together face, repeat from * 3 times and end with 2 stitches front.
Row 5: 1 eye girl, *2 front stitches, 2 stitches together face, repeat from * 3 times and end with 2 stitches front.
Row 7: 1 eye girl, *1 knit stitches, 2 stitches together face, repeat from * 3 times and end with 2 stitches front = 11 stitches.
The working thread is cut quite long. The remaining stitches are passed through the working thread, the wire tightens and with the rest of the edges are sewn on the back side. The thread is cut and fixed on the back side. The second glove is knit similar to the first.


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