senpolia variegated jacket and hat

The jacket and the motley hat

Jacheta si caciulita pestritasize: 104/110 (116/122) 128/ 134;
Cranial circumference 48-53 cm.

– for the jacket: 300 (350) 400 g for melange multicolor; 50 (50) 100 g of yellow yarn (100% lana, 85m/ 100g).
– for the hat: 100 g for melange multicolor, 50 g of yellow yarn (100% lana, 85m/ 100g).
– andre № 4 and № 4,5;
– andre with string (length 40 cm) and a set of socks № 4,5;
– croseta № 3,5;
– appropriate length zipper.
Thread density: 19 meshes x 23 rows = 10 х 10 сm.

The jacket:
Spate: It is mounted on andreels No 4,5 with yellow wire 72 (78) 84 stitches and knit 1 row front mesh back, after which it is knitted with melange thread jersey point.
After 23 (25) 27 cm from the beginning of the work are closed from both sides, for cutting the sleeves, 7 meshes = 58 (64) 70 stitches.
After 40 (43) 46 cm from the beginning of the work are closed from both sides, for the udder line, 6 stitches and in every 2nd row 2 х 5 (6) 7 stitches. Concomitant, for cutting the neck, close 20 (22) 24 middle stitches and each part will be knitted separately. For rounding, close in every 2nd row 1 х 2 and 1 х 1 mesh.
After 42 (45) 48 cm from the beginning of the work all meshes must be closed.

Front left side: It is mounted on andreels No 4,5 with yellow wire 34 (37) 40 stitches and knit 1 row of front mesh backs, after which it will be knitted with thread melange point jersey. After 11 cm from the first row, 18 pocket stitches will be placed on a helper andrea, located after the first 8 (10) 12 meshes.
For 'pocket lining is mounted on andreels No 4,5 with melange thread 18 meshes and knit 11 cm jersey point. The mesh of the pocket lining shall be positioned after the meshes on the training andreau and the knitting shall continue with all meshes 34 (37) 40 meshes. After 23 (25) 27 cm from the first row will be closed from the right side 7 meshes = 27 (30) 33 stitches.
After 35 (38) 41 cm from the first row will close, will close for the neckline from the left side 4 (5) 6 stitches. For a round shape of it will close in every 2nd row 2 х 2 and 3 х 1 mesh.
The shoulder line will be made the same as at the back.
Front right side: will knit symmetrically with the left one.

Sleeve: It is mounted on andreels No 4,5 with yellow thread, 44 meshes and first of all, all meshes will be knitted front;. Then it will be knitted jersey point with melange thread. Will be added from both sides in every 6th row 9 (11) 10 х 1 mesh and every 8th row (4th) 4th row 1 (1) 4×1 mesh = 64 (68) 72 stitches. After 31 (34) 37 cm from the first row all meshes close.
finishing: Shoulders are sewn. From the edge of the neckline is mounted on the andrew No 4,5 Threaded Mélange 60 (64) 68 stitches and knit 4 cm jersey point and then with yellow thread 2 rows jersey point, 1 row back mesh face (From here the tape will bend), 1 row jersey point 4 cm jersey point with melange thread.

The tape will bend inward and sew. On the edges of the front parts up to the base of the neckline will be mounted on Andrews No 4 with yellow thread 75 (81) 87 stitches and knit 2 cm jersey point, for the bend- 1 row of front with back mesh and another 2 cm jersey point. The eyes close. The tape bends inward and sews. From each edge of the sleeve neckline is mounted on the andrea with yellow thread 90 (94) 98 stitches and knit 2 rows jersey point, after which the eyes close. Pass on andrea the mesh of the pocket neckline and knit with yellow thread 1 row back with front mesh, after which the eyes close. Sew pocket lining, sleeves and side edges of clothing details. The zipper is sewn under the bent strips.

Description of works: For earwigs it is mounted on Andrews No 4,5 with yellow thread 14 stitches and knitted 4,5 cm lazy point, then the stitches are passed on a helpful needle. Eared two knit the same.
To be mounted on andrele No 4,5 14 ears + 24 meshes + 14 ears, so that the ears are as close as possible to the back of the hat. The 52 meshes will be knitted lazy point with yellow thread – 3.5 cm. Stitches are put on a helpful needle andrea.
For the front of the hat, an additional 32 stitches will be added and knitted with all the ocji circularly in the following way: the 32 meshes will be knitted lazy point, yellow thread;, other 52 meshes point jersey with melange thread.

After 4 cm, All meshes will be knitted point jersey with melange thread, taking 2 stitches together, front and back of the hat in the 10th circular row and in the 4th following row = 80 meshes. Mark each 20th eye and knit twice in every 4th row circularly together with the front front eye = 72 meshes.
After that, work continues with hosiery andreels. Mark the middle eye between the 20 and knit in every 3rd row circularly and 6 times in every 2nd row together with the front front eye = 8 meshes subtracted in each circular row.
In the next circular row, take 2 stitches together. The remaining 8 meshes are passed through the working wire. The wire is passed on the back side of the work and fastened.

In the middle of the two ears crochet a chain of 40 cm length made of yellow chain with thread.


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