jacket and lilac hat

Lilac jacket and hat

jacheta si caciula lilasize: 50/56;62/68;74/80.
Necessary materials:
– 200/250/250 g lilac thread (65 % lana, 35% polyamide, 70 m/50 g);
– 50 g of yellow yarn (100% acrylic, 90 m/50g);
– Andre no. 5.5;
– 5 lilac buttons.
Thread density: 16 stitches x 21 rows = 10 x 10 cm;

Careful! The front and back parts are knitted as a single detail.

Description of the work: It is mounted on Andrea 84/94/104 stitches and knit 1 purl row with front stitches, after which the jersey point shall be knitted between the edge meshes, except for the first and last; 9 meshes including edge meshes to be knitted "rice" pattern.
On the front right side will be made 4 lacing ( The 3rd eye ends and in the next row Andrea will be taken again from the place where it was concluded). The first lacing will be done 6/6/7 cm from the bottom edge, the following at an interval of 5/6/7 cm from each other.
After 16/17/20 cm from the first row, stitches will be distributed as follows: 19/22/24 Front right-hand mesh, 6 stitches fasten for sleeve neckline, 34/38/44 back mesh, 6 stitches are fastened for the sleeve neckline and 19/22/24 stitches for the front left.
The meshes thus distributed shall be left on a helper andrea.

Sleeve: They are mounted on andrea 20/22/24 meshes and divided equally on 4 andrew for knitting stockings. Knitted 1 row circular back and 4 cm rice pattern.
Mark the inner line of the sleeve with a thread of contrasting color and add it from both sides of the thread, in every 4th row circular 5/6/7 x 1 eye and in every 2nd row 1/1/0 x 1 eye = 32/36/38 mesh.
After 15/17/19 cm from the first row, 3 meshes will end from both sides of the contrasting thread, then the stitches are passed on a helpful needle.

finishing: Pass on the drawstring the meshes of the front right side, straight sleeves, Back, left sleeves, front left side = 124/142/156 mesh.
Continue knitting previous patterns between the edge meshes. In each 4th row 6/6/7 x 12/14/14 mesh shall be subtracted at equal intervals (excluding meshes of the front parts) = 52/58/58 mesh.
After 26/28/32 cm from the first row will knit 4 rows lazy point, except for the first 9 meshes of each part to be knitted "rice" pattern. First of all, a lacing will be done on the front right side. After 4 rows knitted, stitches end.schema jacheta si caciula lila
Sew openings under sleeves and buttons.

Caciula: It is mounted on andrea 54/60/60 meshes that will be divided equally on 4 andrew for knitting stockings. Knitted circular 4 cm pattern "rice", after that will knit jersey point.
After 10/11/12 cm from the first row will be subtracted in the following way: Every 5th and 6th eyes will knit together the face. These decreases will be made every 2nd row 4 times, above subtractions in the first circular row.
Through the remaining stitches pass the working thread, which is left and fixed on the back side.


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