The jacket in three colors
size: 62/68;74/80;
– 100 g of green thread, 50 g of pink and orange thread each (70% polyamide, 10% polyacryl, 10% lana, 10 % mohair, 100m/50g);
– Andre no. 6;
– 5 buttons.
The density of the work: 14 stitches x 22 rows = 10 x 10 cm.
Models used:
Lazy point, jersey point.
The striped model 1: 7/8 cm with green thread, 9/10 cm with orange thread, the rest with pink thread.
Striped model 2: 4.5/5 cm with green thread, 6.5/7 cm with orange thread, the rest with pink thread.
Hoods: 2 stitches together face, 1 life.
Description of the work:
Spate: Mount with green thread 41/44 stitches and knit 2 cm lazy point. After that, between the edge stitches is knit the pattern in stripes 1. After 25/28 cm from the headband close from both sides, for the shoulder line, 12/14 stitches. The 16/17 stitches in the middle are left open, mountaining on a helpful needle.
Front right side: Mount with thread green color 25/27 stitches and knit 2 cm lazy point. After that, between the edge stitches are knit the pattern in stripes , the first 5 stitches knit until the end of the work lazy point. After 25/28 cm from the headband, from the right side leave on needle 13 stitches, and from the left side they close, for the right shoulder line, 12/14 stitches.
The left front is knit symmetrically with the right but also with quilts. The chelons will be made at equal intervals, on the eye 2 and 3 of the edge eye. 5 locks will be made.
Sleeve: Mount with green thread 24 stitches and knit 2 cm lazy point. After that, between stitches edge is knit pattern in stripes 2. In every 6th row will be added from both sides 5/6 x 1 stitch and in row 4 – 1 x 1 eye. After 17/20 cm from the headband the stitches are closed.
Hood: Sew the details that form the shoulders of the jacket. Trc on andrea all open ochiurle, 43/42 stitches and will knit jersey point between the edge stitches. The first and last 5 stitches of each row will knit lazy point. Mark 1 / 2 stitches in the middle with a thread of contrasting color and will add from both sides of the stitches marked in every 6th row 7x 1 stitch. After 20 cm from the beginning of the work, stitches hood are divided into two and both sides will sew applying 'knitting stitch'.
From pink thread is made a mot and sew on top of the hood.
finishing: The sleeves are sewn, the sleeve half will be positioned next to the shoulder seam. The side seams of the jacket and sleeves are made. Buttons are sewn.