ethno style jacket

Ethnic style jacket

Jacheta in stil etnoAge: 2-3 years

400g dark gray thread of medium thickness (100% acrylic );
20g for gray and 20g for white
Andrele no. 4;
8 dark gray buttons.
The density of the work: 19 stitches x 23 rows = 10 x 10 cm.

Models used:

Elastic point: 2 front stitches, 2 purl stitches. In the following rows we knit the stitches as shown.
Swedish models: according to schemes no. 1- 3;
The Siret: Mount on needle 3 stitches and knit the front, * the stitches are passed on the left needle andreaua, working thread after stitches and knit stitches front *. Repeat *-* until the string reaches the required length.
Careful! Knit with thread in two.

Spate: Mount with dark gray thread 62 stitches and knit 5 cm elastic point , starting row with 2 knit stitches, then continue with the jersey point.
After 22 cm from the headband, for the neckline sleeves are closed from both sides in every 2nd row 6 x 1 stitch = 50 stitches.
At a length of 40 cm are closed by 13 stitches for each shoulder and by 24 stitches for neckline.

Front right side: Mount with dark gray thread 26 stitches and knit 5 cm elastic point starting row with 2 purl stitches, then continue with the jersey point. Knit 33 rows model of the scheme no. 1, after knit the rhombus according to the scheme no.2 after 10 stitches from the beginning of the row, after that it is knit 7 rows with dark gray thread, after 5 stitches from the beginning of the row is knit rhombus according to scheme no.2, changing with the place the color of the threads, the rhombus is knit with white thread, and the diagonals with gray thread. Continue knitting with dark gray thread.
After 22 cm from the headband, the neckline of the sleeve is made as in the back.
At a length of 35 cm, for neckline are closed from the opposite side in every 2nd row 3 stitches, 2 stitches and 2 x 1 stitch.
At a length of 40 cm are closed 13 stitches for the right shoulder.

The left front is knit symmetrically with the right one.
Sleeve: Mount with dark gray thread 34 stitches and knit 5 cm elastic point, adding in the last row 1 stitch = 35 stitches.
Knit 23 rows jersey point, making the model presented in the scheme no.. 3, after which continue with dark gray thread.
In every 8th row from both sides will add 6 x 1 stitch = 47 stitches.
After 29 cm from the first row from both sides will end in every 2nd row 6 x 1 stitch, 2×3 stitches, after that they will close and those 23 remaining stitches. The length of the sleeve is 37 cm.

finishing: Sew all the details of the coat. For the hood, on the edge of the neckline, with dark gray thread is cast on knitting needles 60 stitches and knit jersey point. At a length of 20 cm stitches are divided into two, each part is knit separately. From the inside of each side, in every 2nd row will be subtracted by 8 x 2 stitches = 14 stitches / part.

At a length of 27 cm stitches are closed. The inner edges of the hood are sewn.
Knit with thread of dark gray color 6 cm elastic point with stitches on the edge of the right front side, left front side and on the top edge of the hood.
Knit 4 laces of length 12 cm. The laces are put in two and sewed on the sides, leaving free the end that forms a clasp, then sew on the left side the front End of the lace on the left side of the front is caught with a button.
On the right front side next to each clasp is sewn a button.


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