the jacket with fake pockets

Jacket with fake pockets

jacheta cu buzunare falsesize: 62/68; 74/80; 86/92.
Necessary materials:
– 100/150/200 g white thread (60% cotton, 40% polyacryl, 68m/50g);
– 50/100/150 g red and yellow thread;
– 50/100/100 g brown yarn;
– Andrele no. 4,5 and no. 5;
– Zipper.

Thread density: 17 stitches x 22 rows = 10 x10 cm.

The order of knitting the stripes:*4 rows with white thread, 4 rows with red thread, 4 rows with white thread, 4 rows with yellow thread, repeat from*.

Spate: With brown thread is mounted on andrea 44/50/58 meshes and knits 3 cm semielastic point, adding 0/1/0 eyes last. After that, between the edge stitches will knit jersey point, observing the order of stripes.
After 12/16/19 cm from elastic, for cutting the sleeves, 1 x 2 meshes will end from both sides and in every 2nd row 5 x 1 eye.
After 22/28/33 cm from elastic, for the shoulder line, will end from both sides 1 x 4/5/6 mesh and in the 2nd row 1 x 4/5/6 mesh.
Simultaneously with the shoulder line, the neckline will be made, ending 14/17/20 stitches from the centers and each part will be knitted separately.
After 23/29/34 cm from the elastic all meshes must be subtracted.

Front right side: Brown thread is mounted on andrea 22/26/28 meshes and knits 3 cm semielastic point, adding 0/0/1 eye last. After that, between the edge stitches will knit jersey point, observing the order of stripes.
From the left side, the sleeve neckline and shoulder line will be made at the same length and similar to the back.
After 19/24/29 cm from elastic, for the neckline will end from the right side 1 x 3/3/4 meshes and in each 2nd row 1/2/2 x 2 meshes and 2 x 1 eyes.
After 23/29/34 cm from the elastic all meshes must be subtracted.
The left front side will be knitted symmetrically with the right side.

Sleeve: Brown thread is mounted on andrea 30/34/36 meshes and knits 3 cm semielastic point, adding 1/0/1 eye last. After that, between the edge stitches will knit jersey point, observing the order of stripes.
In every 8th row will be added from both sides 2/4/2 x 1 eye and in every 6th row 1/0/4 x 1 eye.
After 13/18/21 cm from elastic, will end from both sides 1 x 2 meshes and in each 2nd row 1 x 2, 1 x3 and 1×1 eye.
After 18/23/26 cm from elastic, The remaining meshes will end.

Hood: With white thread, it is mounted on the 72/78/78 stitches and knitted between the jersey stitch edge stitches, observing the order of stripes.
After 16/18/20 cm from the first row, 2 stitches from the center will be closed and each side will be knitted separately, ending in every 2nd row from the inner edge 1×3 and 1×4 stitches.
Concomitant, after 17/19/21 cm from the first row, from the outer edge will end 1x 8 stitches and in the 2nd row 1 x 8 stitches.
After 19/21/23 cm from the first row, the remaining stitches are finished.

Fake pockets: With brown wire it is mountedschema jacheta cu buzunare false On Andrea 15/19/21 stitches and knit 2 cm semi-elastic stitch. It will knit another 1 row the girl, after that the stitches end.

finishing: The shoulder seam is made. Sew the hood from point A to point B, then it will be sewn to the edge of the neck. Sew the other details of the clothes.
From the inner edges of the front parts and on the edge of the hood, it is mounted on the needles with brown thread 134/156/178 stitches and knitted 4 rows of jersey stitch.
The tape is folded towards the back and sewn. Fake pockets are sewn (see the picture) and the zipper.


2 thoughts on “Jacket with fake pockets

  1. Hello,
    Va apreciez foarte mult blog-ul pe care l-am descoperit de curand. Lucrez deja la al doilea model de jachetica pentru copii. Sunt insa o incepatoare in ale tricotatului si v-as fi recunoscatoare daca ati putea sa ma ajutati cu cateva lamuriri in ceea ce priveste indicatiile tehnice.
    Pentru inceput, atunci cand spuneti ca inseamna ca eu trebuie sa scad 4 ochiuri odata si apoi din 2 in 2 randuri de 2 ori cate 2 ochiuri si de 2 ori cate 1 ochi?
    Si inca o intrebare:

    Inseamna ca la fiecare al 8-lea rand adaug de 2 ori cate 1 ochi si la fiecare al 6-lea rand adaug de 4 ori un ochi?
    Poate intrebarile sunt cam aiurea, imi cer scuze daca par deplasata, eu va multumesc anticipat pentru lamuriri si voi reveni cu alte intrebari, daca este ok.

  2. To this, Cristina!
    Ma bucur ca site-ul iți poate fi de folos.
    Până intri în pâine e mai greu, after, e greu sa te oprești 🙂 , mereu ești tentata sa încerci noi modele.

    Sa-ți răspund și la întrebări:
    Întrebarea 1: Nu se scad, se închid 4 ochiuri, apoi în rândul 2 (de la închiderea celor 4 ochiuri, care va fi rând fata, se închid încă 2 și în rândul 4 încă 2 ochiuri. Chestia asta se folosește de obicei la răscroiala mânecii sau a gatului.
    La întrebarea 2: Adăugirile se fac în rânduri fata. In rândul 8 adaugi 1 ochi și încă unul în rândul 16, apoi în rândul 22 mai adaugi 1 ochi, 28-1 ochi, 34-1 ochi, 40 – 1 eye.
    Dacă mai ai întrebări, nu ezita.

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