Senpolia warm jacket

Warm jacket

Jacheta calduroasa
R1: 2 years, R2: 4 years, RZ: Six years, P4: 8 years, P5: 10 years.

– 8/9/10/11/12 boots 100% wool, 50 m/50g;
– andre № 6 and № 5,5;
– a helper Andrea for the "tail";
– 5/5/5/6/6 buttons.

Knit density: 16 stitches x 21 rows=10 x 10cm.

Model used: according to the scheme.
4 stitches crossed to the left: 2 stitches are taken on the helpful needle andreaua, 2 front stitches. Stitches on the needle are passed after the 2 knit stitches and knit front.
4 stitches crossed to the right: 2 stitches are taken on the helpful needle andreaua, 2 front stitches. Stitches on andrea are passed before the 2 knit stitches and knit the front.

Description of the work:
Spate: Mount on needle 53/57/59/63/67 stitches and knit 8 rows lazy point. Proceed to knitting the model starting with the 5th/3rd/2-th/10th/8th stitch according to the scheme. From both sides are subtracted: for Р1 in every 14th rnd 2 times 1ochi, for Р2 in every 10th rnd 3 times 1 eye, for РЗ every 18th rnd 1 time by 1 eye, every 16th rnd 1 x 1oyeye, for р4 in every 14th rnd 1x 1 eye, in each 12th rnd 2 x 1 stitch, for Р5 in every 22nd rnd 1 x 1 eye, every 20th rnd 1 x 1 eye (remained 49/51/55/57/63 stitches). At a distance of 20/21/23/25/27 сm from inc. work for neckline sleeve from both sides in every 2nd radn close: for р1 1 x 2 stitches, 2 x 1 eye, for Р2, RZ, P4, Р5 1 x 2 stitches, 1 x1 eyes (remained 41/45/49/51/57 stitches). At distance of 33/35/38/41/44 cm from inc work for neckline close 23/23/25/25/27 stitches from the center. At a distance of 34/36/39/42/45 cm from the work inc 9/11/12/13/15 stitches left for the shoulder are closed.

Front right side: Mount on needle 33/35/38/38/40 stitches and knit 8 rnd lazy point. Continue dividing the stitches as follows: 6 stitches lazy stitch, 27/29/30/32/34 stitches pattern according to scheme inc with the first eye of the scheme.
In every 10th rnd is knit 8 stitches lazy point ( 1 rnd forward, 1 rnd on the opposite side, knit truncated rows).
On the right at the distance of 2 stitches from the edge is made 5/5/5/6/6 cheotoare (2 stitches together and in the next row are taken again): the first at a distance of 4/5/6/4/4 cm the bottom edge of the jacket, next at a distance of 6/6/6,5/6/6,5 cm from each other. From the left side the stitches are subtracted the same as at the back side (remained 31/32/34/35/38 stitches). At a distance of 20/21/23/25/27 cm from inc the work is made the neckline of the sleeve on the left as at the back (remained 27/29/31/32/35 stitches). At a distance of 29/31/34/36/39 cm for the neckline they close from the right in every 2nd rnd: for Р1 and Р2 1x 6 stitches, 2 x 3 stitches, 3 x 2eyears, for РЗ 1x 6 stitches, 3×3 stitches, 2 x2 stitches, for р4 1x 6 stitches, 2×3 stitches, 3 x 2 stitches, 1 x1 eyes, for р5 1 x 6 stitches, 3 x3 stitches, 2 x 2 stitches, 1 x 1yeyeye. At a distance of 34/36/39/42/45 cm from the beginning of the work 9/11/12/13/15 remaining stitches for the shoulder are closed.

Front left side: It is made symmetrically with the right one, with the exception of the cheoters.
Sleeve: Mount on needle 31/31/31/33/33 stitches and knit 8 rnd lazy point. Continue with the model, starting with 1/1/1/10 -th/10th eye from the scheme. From both sides add: for Р1 in every 6th rnd 9 x 1 eye, for р2 in every 6th rnd 2 x1 eye, every 4th rnd 8 x 1yeye, for РЗ in every 6th rnd 2 x 1yeyeye, every 4th rnd 10 x 1oyeye, for р4 in every 6th rnd 7 x1 eye, every 4th rnd 5 x1 eyes, for Р5 in every 6th rnd 7 x 1 eye, every 4th rnd 7 x 1oyeye (in total 49/51/55/57/61 stitches). At a distance of 24/28/32/36/40 cm from the work inc from both sides close every 2nd rnd: 2 x3 stitches, 1 x2 stitches, after that close 33/35/39/41 /45 stitches remaining.

finishing: Sew the details of the hangers. It is mounted from the edge of the neckline,on knitting needles No 5,5 60/60/66/66/72 stitches (24/24/26/26/28 stitches on the back side, 18/18/20/20/22 stitches on the edge of the front parts except for the headband of 1.5 cm from which no stitches will be mounted on the needles. Knit 8 cm lazy point after that stitches are closed.
Sew the other details of the jacket and buttons.
Warm jacket scheme


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