the blue jacket for the little sleepy senpolia

The blue jacket for the sleepy little one

jacheta albastra pentru micul somnorossize: 56/62; 68/74; 80/86;
The necessary materials:
– 200/250/300 g blue yarn (100% lana, 150 m/50g);
– 50 g of white yarn;
– Andrele no. 3 and 3.5;
– 5 buttons.
The density of the work: 29 stitches x 48 rows = 10x 10 cm.

Models used:
Semi-elastic point: 1 eye girl, 1 back eye;
"Vertical Stripes" Pattern: Row 1 = purl row: *take Andrea 1 eye as a purl eye + 1 jeteu, 1 eye girl, repeat from *. Row 2= front row:* 1 dos eye taken on Andrea is knitted together with the front jeteus, repeat from *. Repeat rows 1 and 2.

Model "Tail" (14 meshes): Row 1= row dos and all rows dos: 3 stitches face, 8 purl stitches, 3 stitches face; Row 2 and 4: Purl 3 stitches, 8 stitches face, Purl 3 stitches; Row 6: Purl 3 stitches. Take 2 stitches on the helper andreau after work, 2 front stitches, the stitches on the auxiliary needle are knitted in front, 2 stitches on the helper andreaua before the work, 2 front stitches, the stitches on the auxiliary needle are knitted in front, Purl 3 stitches. Repeat rows 2-7.
Hoods: 2 stitches together face, 1 life.

Spate: It is mounted on andrea with blue thread 70/80/92 meshes and knits 3 cm semielastic point, alternately knitting 2 rows with blue thread, 2 rows with white thread, Lastly, 1 eye will be added.
Between the edge meshes will be knitted with blue thread 8/8/9 meshes model "Vertical stripes", 14 meshes model "Tail", 25/35/45 mesh pattern "Vertical stripes", 14 meshes "Tail" pattern and 8/8/9 mesh "Vertical stripes" model.
After 12/15/18 cm from the headband, for cutting the sleeve, 1 x 9 meshes will end from both sides.
After 22/27/32 cm from the headband, the remaining mesh ends.

Front right side: It is mounted on andrea with blue thread 40/46/52 meshes and knits 3 cm semielastic point, alternately knitting 2 rows with blue thread, 2 rows with white thread, Lastly, 1 eye will be added.
Leave on a helper andrea the first 8 meshes for the headband and knit with blue thread between the edge meshes 9/14/19 meshes model "Vertical stripes", 14 meshes model "Tail", 8/8/9 mesh pattern "Vertical stripes".

After 12/15/18 cm from the headband, for cutting the sleeve, from the left side will end 1 x 9 meshes.
After 18/22.5/27 cm from the headband, for cutting the neck, from the right side ends 1 x 3/6/8 mesh and in each 2nd row 2 x 2 meshes and 2/3/4 x 1 eye.
After 22/27/32 cm from the headband, the remaining mesh ends.
The 8 meshes are passed on the working andreels, From the inner side, take Andrea another 1 eye as edge eye and knit semielastic point 22/27/32 cm, after which the eyes close. The headband is sewn to the edge of the front right side.

Front left side: It is knitted symmetrically with the right one, making the cheotors. The keys will be made on the headband of the 8 meshes on the training andreaua. After 1.5 cm from the first row, From the left side, a lacing is made on the 4th and 5th eye from the edge eye, and the other 4 lacing will be done at equal intervals.

Sleeve: It is mounted on andrea with blue thread 40/46/52 meshes and knits 6 cm semielastic point, alternately knitting 2 rows with blue thread, 2 rows with white thread and 8 meshes will be added between the 9 meshes in the center.
Knitting with blue yarn between the mesh 16/19/22 meshes "Vertical stripes" pattern, 14 meshes model "Tail", 16/19/22 mesh pattern "Vertical stripes".
In every 10th row will be added from both sides 1/0/0 x 1 eye, every 8th row 5/6/4 x 1 eye and every 6th row 0/3/8 x 1 eye, including the stitches added in knitting models.
After 12/15/18 cm from the headband will be knitted another 3 cm straight, after which the stitches will close.

Hood: It is mounted on andrea with blue thread 59/63/67 meshes and knits 2 cm semielastic point, after which the pattern "Vertical stripes" will be knitted between the meshes.
After 15/17/19 cm, the 17/21/23 meshes in the center will be completed and each part will be knitted separately.
After 18/20.5/23 cm from the headband, The meshes on opposite sides of both sides of the hood will end together.schema jacheta albastra pentru micul somnoros-senpolia
From the front edge of the hood will be mounted on andrea 135/141/147 meshes and will knit 6 cm semielastic point, alternately knitting 2 rows with blue thread, 2 rows with white thread, after that the stitches end.
The headband folds out of the hood and sews. The central seam of the hood is made.

finishing: All the seams of the jacket are made. The hood will be sewn on the edge of the neckline with the side where it was started knitting, leaving open the 8-mesh headbands of the front left and right sides. Buttons are sewn.


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