trialeurodes steamers

Insects that damage the African violet: Musculita white greenhouse (Trialeurodes steamers)

trialeurodes vaporariorumWhite muscles (Aleyrodidae) they are small polyphytophagous insects, their dimensions do not exceed 3 mm. In nature there are at least 200 species that have their habitat predominantly in tropical and subtropical areas. In temperate zone, the species of greenhouse whiteflies are relatively few (below 10 degrees Celsius it no longer reproduces).
Even so few, once they have reached greenhouses or enclosed spaces they become fearsome pests for decorative plants and vegetable crops.

Representatives of the species Trialeurodes vaporariorum, probably imported from Brazil, attack and Violeta Africana.
As with aphids, African violets attacked by white greenhouse fly you will find them rather in greenhouses and specialty stores, than in private collections.

The adult white greenhouse fly has two pairs of wings covered with a white secretion of waxy consistency. The wings are bent in the form of a "house roof", the first pair of wings fully covering the second pair. The female lays eggs in groups, fixing them on the underside of the leaf and the thin stems of the leaf. After 10-14 days, at a constant temperature of 20-23 degrees Celsius, from the eggs come out the larvae, which for a while moves on the surface of the plant in search of a better place to feed. Finding it they stick tightly to the leaf and begin to feed on cellular juice. For 10 days, the larvae are covered with a waxy secretion and 3 times naparlesc. After the third turnaround, the larvae cease to feed and from this moment begins the hibernation period. The skin of the larvae hardens and turns into a "false pupa". At the stage of pupation the insect lives 12 days. The chemical treatment of the plant with systemic insecticides during this period does not have its expected effect on the larvae in the pupa, fact that complicates the fight with this insect and several chemical treatments of the plant are required at regular intervals.

Adult greenhouse fly, like their larvae, feed on cellular juice. The attacked leaves stain and fall off, the plant loses its decorativeness, withering and ceasing to grow. Plants get sick from fungal and bacterial diseases, favored by musculitis manure, that contain carbohydrates.. White greenhouse fly is at the same time a carrier of viral infections of plants.

The white greenhouse fly is photosensitive and reacts to stimuli such as the wavelength of light. It is especially attracted by the colors yellow and orange. They can be combated, what's right, in a smaller number and only adult insects, if in the rooms with the affected plants will hang from the attic colored traps made of sticky paper.
The attacked plant can also be sprinkled with a solution of potassium soap (3%) and spirits (3%), infusion of citrus (Tanacetum vulgare) and bentonite (3% ), nettle extract (1 kg of nettles is left to soak 12 days in 10 l of water).

In combating the white greenhouse fly, systemic insecticides like Actara, Mospilan, Confidor, Decided, Leader 70WG, Talstar 10EC works if the plant is treated several times with one of these at intervals of 7-10 days.
Insecticides like Fitoverm, Actophyte, Acarin in combination with one of the above insecticides enhances their effect in combating this insect.
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