
Propagation of chimaera African violets using cytokinin paste

violeta myrtheCytoquinine – they are natural plant growth regulators that stimulate cell division and plant cell differentiation.

The general biological effect of cytokinins consists in the activation of RNA and protein synthesis. This group of hormones increases the level of evaporation, stops the aging process of plants and increases the level of resistance of plants to unfavorable conditions in the external environment.
One of the properties of cytokines is to suppress the growth of the central rosette. The phenomenon is explained in the following way: the presence of the central bud inhibits the development of lateral buds. The development of the central rosette of the plant depends on a plant hormone – auxine, and the central bud is also called "dominant apical."

Auxins, in the concentration in which it accumulates in the central buds, stimulates the growth of the center of the plant, positioning itself at the bottom of the central bud, they inhibit the development of lateral buds. In this way, the growth and development of the central bud or rosette is achieved with the help of auxins, hormones totally opposite cytokines.
The removal of the central rosette or the "beekeeping dominance" induces a faster growth of the lateral buds of the chimera violets, which, without prior treatment with cytokines, would not grow by itself.

In addition, cytokines are also endowed with an 'attraction' effect. They are attracted by places with a high concentration of photosynthesis products, Amino acids, sugars etc.. For this reason, cytokines are successfully used for the multiplication of African violets, especially varieties chimera.
regularly, chimera varieties are multiplied by chicks between the leaves or floral peduncles, as a result, the color and characteristics of the flowers of the chimera violets is transmitted through chloroplasts – cytoplasmic inheritance.
As vegetative growth hormones, 6 – benzylaminopurine are used. In the horticultural sector for years such a hormone is used in the form of a gel – KEIKIGROW PLUS. Initially the hormonal gel was used for the multiplication of orchids.

For the multiplication of chimera violets, you can also use a hormonal cream prepared manually from 100 parts weight of lanolin and one part weight of 6 – benzylaminopurine (Benzyladenine). It is a cream with a fairly high concentration of growth hormone compared to the cytokine content in the plant tissue.
How to multiply purple chimeras, using paste with vegetative hormones?
Cut the tip of the purple chimera and the place left empty is treated with paste with cytokinins. The method is old and is applied long ago without prior stimulation. But, in this case, we can get the appearance of purple cubs chimera much faster, easier and in greater numbers.

1. Cut the tip of the violet in such a way, that on the "stump" or stemvarf violeta plant to remain at least a row of leaves.

2. The top of the African violet is rooted and planted, obtaining a younger chimera violet, identical to the mother chimera violet.

3. The fresh cut on the stem of the violet is treated with hormonal paste: on a needle tip or with the help of a toothbrush, take a small amount of hormonal paste and distribute it evenly on the freshly made cut.

4. All we have left is to wait for the appearance of the chicks, which when they reach a size of 4-5 cm will be removed from the stem of the plant and will be rooted by one of the methods presented in this site. Sometimes the number of offspring is quite large. They will remove 2-3 puppies together and will root together without being separated from each other.

Chickens of violet chimera Myrthe:
2.5 months have passed since cutting the top. Some chickens can already be removed from the stem to root.


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