let's play senpolia

let's play!

Hai la joaca!Age: 3-6 months;

100g green-blue yarn made of acrylic and viscose;
40g of navy blue yarn and 20g of red yarn;
Andre no. 3.5 and no. 4;
7 buttons.
The density of the work: 18 stitches x 24 rows = 10 x 10 cm.

Models used:

Jersey point: In the front rows, all the stitches are knitted in the front, and in the purl rows all the stitches will be knitted purl.
Semi-elastic point: 1 eye girl, 1 back eye. In the following rows we knit the stitches as shown.

The jacket:
The back side, the right front and the left front side will knit as a detail to the neckline of the sleeve. It is mounted on the andrels no. 3.5 with thread of green-blue color 89 stitches and knit 2 cm semielastic point. It will continue with the knitting needles nr. 4, tricotand-se punct jersey and in row 1 adding 1 stitch = 90 stitches and alternating the color of the thread in the following way: 6 rows with green-blue thread, 4 rows with navy blue thread, 10 rows with green-blue thread, 4 rows with red thread, 26 rows with green-blue wire and will continue with navy blue thread.
After 18 cm from the first row will knit in the following way: 21 stitches right side front, 3 stitches end for neckline sleeve, 42 stitches back, 3 stitches end, 21 stitches left side front. Each part will be knitted separately.

In the 2nd row will drop 1 eye from the left front side. After 6 cm from the neckline sleeves, will close, for cutting the neck, 4 stitches, in every 2nd row 2 stitches and 3 x 1 stitch.
After 28 cm from the first row will close 11 stitches left for shoulder. The right front side will be knitted symmetrically with the left side.
For the rear, from both sides will decrease in the 2nd row by 1 stitch = 40 stitches. After 28 cm from the first row will close 11 stitches for each shoulder and 18 stitches for neckline.

Sleeve: It is mounted on the andrels no. 3.5 with green-blue thread 29 stitches and knit 2 cm semielastic point. It will continue with the knitting needles nr. 4, knitting jersey point and alternating the color of the thread in the following way: 6 rows with green-blue thread, 4 rows with navy blue thread, 24 rows with green-blue wire and will continue with navy blue thread.
To be added from both sides, every 6th row 4×1 stitch=37 stitches.
After 18 cm from the first row will close from both sides in every 2nd row 3 x4 stitches and finally those 13 remaining stitches. The length of the sleeve is 22 cm.

finishing: The details of the jacket are sewn. From the edges of the right front and left front side are mounted marks on the knitting needles nr. 3.5 with green-blue thread and knit 2 cm semielastic point. The same is done with neckline.
The strips of navy and red color will be made some stitches alternating the color of the threads. With red thread will sew "zigzag" on the line that delimits the green-blue color from the navy at the top of the jacket.
After 1 cm of semielastic point on the front left side, 5 markers will be executed, first and ulrima located 1 cm from the bottom edge and the top edge of the jacket, the other 3 situated at equal intervals. On the front right side, next to the locks will be sewed buttons.

headpiece: With navy blue thread is mounted on knitting needles nr. 3.5 is cast 73 stitches and knits 3 cm semielastic point, after which it will knit jersey point with thread green-blue color.
At a distance of 12 cm from the first row, will decrease in equal intervals in every 2nd row 6 x 7 stitches, taking into account that the decrease in the next row will be made above the one in the previous row.
After the necessary stitching drops have been made, will knit each 2 stitches together compared to along the row = 16 stitches. Pass the working thread, which was later cut, through the remaining stitches. The thread is trgage and fixed on the back side of the caciulitei.

Earwigs: Knit two ears. It mounts 11 stitches with red thread on the knitting needles nr. 3.5 and knit semielastic point. At a length of 7 cm are subtracted from both sides in every 2nd row 4 x 1 stitch, and take together the front of those 3 stitches remaining. The length of an earwig is 10 cm.
The seam of the cap is made, taking into account that the navy headband will bend on the front side of the hat. Se se cosusile ears and fix their tip with a button (see the picture).