Pot for violets

ghiveceWhen we choose the pots for planting African violets, we must take into account the following rules:
1. In the natural environment, African violets grow and develop in a small amount of humus, which accumulates in the cracks of the rocks or between the roots of the trees. As a result, the pot in which we will plant the violet does not have to be very spacious.
In a large pot, African violet roots will not assimilate all the soil. Over time the acidity of the soil will increase, African violet will make many cubs and bloom little or not at all.
2. There is a golden rule for all decorative plants: The diameter of the pot in which we planted the plant should be 3 times smaller than the diameter of the rosette or crown. This rule also applies to African violets.
For African violets reached at maturity is recommended to use pots depending on the size of the plant:

Plant size
The size of the rosette, cm
Pot diameter, cm
Semiminiatural (midi)
< 7

Do not plant African violets in pots 'for growth'. It is much better to make a new planting of violet as it grows.
Saintpaulia has tiny roots located on the surface. Air circulation at the root level is a vital factor for the plant. Because of this, the pot in which it will be planted should not be deep and narrow.
For standard and miniature violets, the height of the pot must coincide with its diameter.

For violets of large and very small size, ideal are pots in the shape of a bowl, the diameter exceeds the height of the pot by about two times.
The mixture of earth, used for planting violets, is afanat, air circulates through it with ease, but it dries quickly, therefore the pot must protect the soil from rapid drying. From this point of view it is inappropriate to use unglazed ceramic pots, although, the glazed ones don't seem to be ideal either.

Ceramic pots retain moisture and are less hygienic. In their pores, salts accumulate, to which African violets become sensitive. Because of this, many violet amateurs prefer planting flowers in plastic pots.

A special attention will be paid to the holes on the bottom of the pot. They should not be missing, because water status damages the roots of violet.


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