senpolia mustard flour

Mustard flour stimulates hair growth

Faina de mustar stimuleaza cresterea parului
Mustard flour is successfully used in hair care masks. Mustard stimulates blood circulation in the scalp, helps regenerate hair and prevents hair loss, solves problems related to hair growth.

The mustard mask is not recommended for people with very sensitive skin and scalp lesions. The frequency of application of the mask depends on the type of hair we have. If we have oily hair, the mask will be applied once every 5 days, for those with normal hair once a week, and those with dry hair will apply this mask once every 10 days.

Ingredients of the mask (for medium length hair):
2 tsp mustard flour (it is found in the pharmacy or plafar);
2 tsp sugar, desirable to be brown;
1 yolk;
2 tablespoons castor oil (can be used successfully and almond oil, sea buckthorn, olives or radishes);
hot water.

All ingredients, apart from water, stir in a dish. Pour hot water, until we get a composition of the consistency of a thick cream.
Rub the roots of the hair with this mask. The tops are lubricated with a little olive oil, to avoid drying them. The head is covered with a bag, over which we put on a hat, broboade or cotton towel.

Keep the head covered for 15-45 minutes, but not more than an hour, then wash with lukewarm water and a shampoo to regenerate the hair. After washing the hair rinse with water with apple cider vinegar.
The mask is applied for 1-2 months, and the effects produced by it are valid for 6 months.

Careful! It is a mask that dries the skin of the scalp.


2 thoughts on “Mustard flour stimulates hair growth

  1. Tack för tipset! Min flickvän i Ukraina gör detta och hennes hår växte 10 cm på två månader.
    But where to buy mustard flour in Sweden?

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