The effects of trace elements on the development of African violets
Microelements leave their mark on the growth of new leaves. I belong to this category: The iron (Fe), The copper (Cu), MANGANESE (Mn), The zinc (Zn), molybdenum (Mo) and Borul (B).
The iron: Younger leaves suffer from chlorosis when iron is missing or assimilated by the plant in very small quantities. As a result, the growth point of the flower acquires a white color. Because of excess iron, violets rarely suffer. This is possible only if in the earth mixture contains iron sulfate. In this case, The plant dies immediately after planting due to rapid proliferation and necrotic spots appearing on the leaves.
The copper: Copper deficiency favors the appearance of chlorosis on the edges of young leaves. In stage two, the growth point of the plant acquires a brownish color, but does not rot.
MANGANESE: Manganese deficiency favors the appearance of chlorosis on the edges of young leaves, spotted necrosis on older leaves. In the earth mixture with high acidity, manganese can change its valence from 4 to 2, This allows it to quickly penetrate the plant and settle in its tissues. The plant becomes dehydrated, being unable to absorb water from the soil. Violets lose their turgidity with symptoms of Phytophtora infestation.
Moderate excess manganese in the soil has a negative effect on the stems and leaves. Stems become brittle, and small stumpy bumps appear on the leaves.
The zinc: Following zinc deficiency, the plant may suffer from atypical chlorosis. On young leaves appear yellow spots quite noticeable and with jagged edges. In stage two, The leaves curl their edges and remain in this position without loss of turgidity. Excess zinc especially affects variegated violet species. The spots on the leaves specific to these species disappear over time.
Molybdenum and Boron: Molybdenum is an exception. Molybdenum deficiency leaves its mark on old leaves: a yellow halo on the edge of the leaf, followed by burns;. Boron deficiency leads to the death of the growth point of the plant. It dries out and at the same time old leaves are affected by chlorosis. Excess boron makes the spots on the leaves of variegated violets disappear. You may also experience burns on the edges of the leaves.
But! In everyday life we will not encounter excess or deficiency of a single element. This phenomenon is found only in laboratory experiments. In practice, however, we encounter the lack of one element in combination with others. In order to accurately establish a diagnosis, an individual approach is required, as well as checking the quality of the water with which the flowers are watered.