African violet temperature

Maintenance conditions of African violets. The optimal temperature

temperatura optima violete africaneUsambara, the region of origin of the African violet, it is a mountainous region, with average daily temperatures of 20-23 °С.

Despite his African origin, Saintpaulia prefers a moderate temperature and a place away from direct sunlight to grow and develop.

To create a favorable environment for the collection of violets, a room thermometer is an absolute must. The thermometer will be positioned next to the pots at the same level as the leaves of the plants.

For cuttings, seedlings or chickens of violet, an optimum maintenance temperature of 24-25°С is recommended, and if they have their place on specially designed shelves, then the top shelf is the most indicated.

Close to the flowering period, violets prefer a temperature of 20-24 °С. The closer the temperature is to the lower limit, the bigger the flowers will be and the longer the flowering period.
For violets intended for long-distance deliveries, temepratura indicated is 10-16 °С.

The temperature of the water with which the violets will get wet must be approximately equal to that of the air in the room, in any case less than 15°С or greater than 30°С.

Maintaining the optimum temperature in summer is difficult during the hot period, especially if the African violets are positioned on the shelves with fluorescent lamps (fluorescent lamps give extra heat).

If the temperature in the room is higher than 27°С, suffer not only tenants but also violets.

In their own interest and that of the collection of violets, it is desirable that during the hot period to use air conditioning installations to maintain the temperature in the room within normal limits.
It should be borne in mind, however, that these air conditioners dry the air in the room.


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