orange hat with motto

Orange hat with motto

caciulita orange cu motAge: 3-9 months; 9-12 months; 12-18 months.
Necessary materials:
– 75 g for melange the color orange (50 % lana, 50% acrylic, 106 m / 50 g);
– Andrele for knitting socks no. 3.5.
– 1 mot with a diameter of 6 cm.

The density of the work: 25 stitches x 32 rows = 10 x 10 cm.

Description of the work:
It is mounted on needle 96/112/124 stitches that will be divided into 4 needles and knitted in circular rows 6 cm semi-elastic point, in the last row, adding 2/0/2 stitches at equal intervals.
After, will knit 5/6/7 cm modelul prezentat in schema.
Dupa 11/12/13 cm de la primul rand se vor realiza scaderile de ochiuri in felul urmator:
Row 1 circular: 2 ochiuri dos dinaintea „cozilor” se vor tricota impreuna dos.

Randul 5 circular: 2 ochiuri dos dupa „cozi” se vor tricota impreuna dos.
After, in fiecare al 2-lea rand se vor tricota impreuna conform modelului 4/5/6 x 2 ochiuri dintre „cozi”, incepand cu cele centrale, dupa care in fiecare rand circular se vor tricota cate 2 ochiuri impreuna fata.
Prin cele 14/14/10 ochiuri ramase se trece firul de lucru . The thread is tightened and fixed on the back side of the work.
Se confectioneaza un mot cu diametrul 6 cm si se prinde in varful caciulitei.
Caciulita se spala si se usuca inainte de a fi purtata.


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