hat in shades of purple yellow and green

Hat in shades of yellow, mov yes green

caciulita in nuante de galben mov si verde
Cranial circumference: 52-54 cm;
Necessary materials:
– 50 g of yellow yarn (50% cotton, 50% acrylic, 350 m/ 100 g);
– A few grams of purple and green thread;
– Crochet hook no. 2.

Description of the work:
A chain of 20 stitches is crocheted with green thread. The chain is closed in a circle and crocheted 24 feet without jeteu.
With yellow thread, 24 bows of 21 chain stitches will be crocheted and they will be attached to the crocheted indel with green thread.

Varfurile arcurilor se vor uni cu fir de culoare mov printr-un arc din 6 ochiuri lant si in fiecare arc se vor croseta cate 8 picoruse fara jeteu.
After, se vor croseta cu fir galben arcuri din 6 ochiuri lant spiralat pana la adancimea necesara a caciulitei.

Bentita se va croseta cu picioruse fara jeteu, alternand culoarea firelor: 1 rand cu fir mov, 1 rand cu fir verde si 1 rand cu fir galben. Se va sfarsi crosetarea bentitei cu 1 rand cu fir de culoare mov.


One thought on “Hat in shades of yellow, mov yes green

  1. Nu inteleg cum trebuie unite arcurile galbene printr-un arc mov. Din poza nu vad prea bine.

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