little hat with a peak

Little hat with a peak

Caciulita cu cozorocAge: 9-15 months
50 g wool (knitting density 22 stitches x 30 rows=10×10 cm);
Andre no. 3.25 and no. 4.

It is mounted on the andre with no. 3.25 37 stitches and knit a front row. Knit only front rows. In every second row, one stitch is decreased from the beginning and the end of the row, until there are 25 stitches left on the needle. It also braids a front row and the stitches are mounted on a thread or a bold.

Step 1. Mount 3 stitches on knitting needles no. 3.25 and knit 20 cm only front rows.
Step 2: 1 edge stitch, 1 jeteu dos,1 eye girl, 1 jeteu dos, 1 eye girl. The next row all the stitches front. The procedure is repeated until we have 17 stitches on the needle. After, knit 6 cm knit stitches. The thread with which we knit breaks, and the stitches are passed on a thread or bold thread.

Mount 13 stitches on knitting needles no. 3.25. To the 13 stitches are added those 17 stitches of the first ear, that is knit on the face. After, mount another 8 stitches, and the stitches of the brim are closed ( from two stitches one, 12 times) 1 knit stitch is mounted on the knitting needles. Then mount another 13 stitches and take on knitting needles those 17 stitches of the ear 2 that are knit on the face. We have a total of 69 stitches. After, knit 4 rows ( a row girl, one back).
The next step is to add one eye inside out after every 2 stitches: 1 back eye, 1 eye back added, 2 purl stitches, 1 eye back added. The procedure is repeated 17 times, plus 1 eye added backside. In total we have 126 stitches.

Next is the following model:
Row 1 ( the front side): 2 purl stitches, 2 knit stitches – until the end of the row;
Row 2 : 2 front stitches, 2 purl stitches – until the end of the row;
Row 3: 2 purl stitches, TWP, 2 purl stitches- until the end of the row;
TWP – pass the thread before the work, take on andrea an eye, knit 1 purl stitch, 1 girl, pass the eye on the needle over the knitted stitches.
Row 4: repeat row 2. These 4 rows form the model.
Proceed to knitting with the help of knitting needles nr. 4 and knit 16 rows using the model described above.
At the next step the 2 stitches inside out are knit together, 2 front stitches, 2 purl stitches together = 94 stitches;
In the next row from both sides is subtracted by one stitch = 92 stitches.
Knit the tip of the hat with knitting needles no.3.25.
Row 1: (11 stitches face, two knit stitches together) x 7 times, 1 eye girl;
Row 2 ( and all the even rows): all stitches are knit inside out;
Row3: (10 stitches face, two knit stitches together) x 7 times, 1 eye girl;
Row5: (9 stitches face, two knit stitches together) x 7 times, 1 eye girl;
Continue this way until we remain with 15 stitches. The 15 stitches are passed through a thread and securely fastened.

Accurately sew the edges of the hat. The edges of the brim are attached to the front of the hat. Make a woolen moţ and fix it at the top of the hat. Turn the hat inside out and circularly sew a strip of fabric, starting from the second row to the point where the last remaining stitches were fixed.


7 thoughts on “Little hat with a peak

  1. To this, Lucia!
    The following article will meet your requirements. I will explain in detail how to take the measures for knitting the caciulite in question.

  2. Hello!
    I would like to do and I for. my little girl a topcoat and a beret with a brim, but without ears like the one in the picture. I want to make them out of fluffy mohair with thin thread. You can help me with the number of stitches,Dimensions, considering that my daughter is 1 year old?

  3. gabriela :

    I would like to do and I for. my little girl a topcoat and a beret with a brim, but without ears like the one in the picture. I want to make them out of fluffy mohair with thin thread. You can help me with the number of stitches,Dimensions, considering that my daughter is 1 year old?

    Salutation, Gabriela!
    The size of knitted hats is established by the cranial girth of the baby.
    Children aged 1 year have cranial circumference between 46-48 cm.
    As, on the label of the mohair there must also be information about its density.
    Something like 26eyecs x 30randuri = 10 x 10 cm.
    This clue is just as important.
    Or, knit with the thread in the case of a few rows, and without stepping or stretching the piece, a measure and determine how many stitches return to 1 cm knitted.
    Regarding the shape of the hat and the decreases in stitches you can find useful information in the article How we determine the size of knitted hats
    If you have any concerns, do not hesitate to contact me.

  4. Hello,
    I started the hat with a brim and got stuck at the mounted on the knitting needles of the ears and the brim.,please help me with a scheme or a more detailed explanation,
    I look forward to
    Thank you very much

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